Father Stop!

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Hi guys! First time trying a werewolf story - NOT cliche! Also, the curse words have stars cuz I don't want WattPad to make this "mature" or anything. Give me a chance please!
I'm eight years old.
I'm a werewolf.
I'm abused.
I'm alone.

"Father, here is your meal," I murmur, setting the plate down in front of him. He snarls at me, making me cower away. "Where are the knives, sweet? I can't eat with my paws."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold them altogether-"
"Shut the f*ck up and get them!" He roars. Shivering, i hug my rags to my bony chest and run into the kitchen. Slipping as I make my way to the knives, I take out the steak knife and-
"What's taking you so long?!"
Running even faster now, I try not to trip as I grab the knife and fork. "Here, father."
He slaps me on the cheek, and I fall onto the floor. I lie there, sprawling, and he laughs. "Stay that way, sweetheart. Papa's got to eat in peace."
"Yes, father," I answer meekly. He glares at her. "I need my peace, sweetheart. Or papa's going to get grumpy later and hit you."
Without saying anything, I bow my head. He stands up and grabs my hair, forcing me to stand up. When I cry out in pain, he holds the steak knife to my neck. "Why are you ignoring Papa, sweet?"
"Sorry... Papa," I  manage to say. My father snarls and slashes the knife down my arm. As the blood wells up, he licks it away and wrinkles his nose. "You're a mutt. Useless."
"I'm sorry, father," I gasp, trying not to scream as he slashes my other arm and does the same. "Your mother is a werewolf, too. Was a werewolf."
"I know, father-"
His snarl sent me cringing. "Let me tell you your story again. Little sweet gotta know her history."
He was drunk. I could smell it on his breath. Not far enough drunk to do anything reckless, but drunk enough to hurt me in visible places.
"Now, where was I before Papa was so rudely interrupted? Ah, yes, I used to be an Alpha, until your f*cking mom had to seduce Papa. She's evil," he slurs as he licks up the last drop of blood on my arm. My father isn't a vampire. He just loves to hurt me.
He raises the knife to my neck, and I whimper helplessly. He slaps me again. "Not going to kill you now, little sweet. Papa don't want any trouble, does he?"
"No, Papa," I whisper. Laughing, he slices my cheek open. "Your mom died after giving birth to you, because I killed her. It was purely revenge. When the pack found out that I slept with a rogue, they overthrew me as Alpha. And you know how they found out?"
He sucks away the blood and glances at me, laughing again. The sound was so carefree, how could it belong to such a monster as-
"I asked you a f*cking question," he growls. I manage to say, "I'm sorry, father."
The pain was overwhelming me. Although I am a werewolf and have the power to heal quickly, I hadn't shifted yet and couldn't heal as fast as the mature ones. I am also malnourished, unloved, should I go on?
"Well? Go on, sweet, tell me."
"They found me, father," I murmur. He pulls my hair higher, forcing me to stand on tip-toe.
"That's right. You ruined me. That's why I ruin you everyday. Nothing you do can make up for what you did. All that's left to do is-"
"Is to kill you?"
An unfamiliar voice cuts past my father's words, and I look around hopefully for my savior.
"Put one more cut on her, you disgusting mongrel, and I'll put you through endless torture," the rescuer continues. Her father shoves me down, and I whimper in pain.
"Shut up."
His command makes my mouth snap shut, and he chuckles, addressing the rescuer. "Who are you?"
"I'm from the Windblown Blood pack," smiles the person. My father stumbles back. "A female?"
"Oh, yes," the rescuer laughs. "And I'll make sure that the last face you see is mine-"
"Before you kill me, I'd like to tell you something," my father says slyly. The female frowns. "Hurry up."
"This child isn't my child. She's an orphan from the Snow River pack's Alpha," he replies, giggling.
I frown. What is so good about the news? My eight-year old brain tries to process the information and I gasp as I understand. "You're not my father?"
"Of course not," he murmurs. "What kind of father would torture their child?"
"But... Why did you torture me?"
"Oh, it was true. I was forced out of my pack. But the child wasn't you. I just stumbled into Snow River's territory and found the Luna giving birth to you. She was no match for my anger. And so, I torture you to make up for my lost child and the fact that your parents were still Alphas."
Before I can finish my question, he smiles and holds the steak knife in front of him. "I wanted you to hate me, sweet. I wanted you to hate me right before I died."
And with that, he plunges the knife into his heart.
The woman smiles at me, looking shaken. "I am the Alpha of Windblown Blood. We are a female pack who takes in all. If you wish, you can join our pack and we will train you and guide you to become stronger."
An uncertain look crosses her face. "Do you wish?"
I think about it hard. Could I lose anything? Will I miss anything?
"I wish," I confirm with a nod.
And with that, I am accepted into the Windblown Blood.
HI GUYsssssssssss! I'm sorry it's so boring.... But the next chapters gonna be fun! Yay! Any ideas on the cover?

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