"Don't mess with an Alpha... Luna."

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YAY! I'm back! I know you all missed them but don't worry :) this chapter long.
Raze POV
I'm left staring at the door from when my mate slammed it shut.
You must stop worrying, my wolf murmurs. Because she has Marked us, she will never leave us. The bond will grow.
I know, I- I just feel sorry about tricking her into Marking us, I reply, my thoughts churning.
Are you sure about this? I ask my wolf.
Perfectly. She will never reject us.
But when she finds out-
If she does, then you will tell her that she has made a promise to participate.
I guess so.
I know so.
I shake off my dark thoughts. She'd already Marked me.
The feeling as she bit down... Her mouth-
What do you think her next challenge shall be?
I don't know... Maybe throwing us off a cliff? Whoever dies first loses?
Do not be so dull.
What is your idea?
To Mate with her.
Do not be so d- wait what?!
My attempts to mock my wolf has failed very sadly.
I hear his chuckles as he explains, She will possibly go into heat in the next few days.
Even so...
We will mate with her then.
My command is strong, and he whines in surprise.
Why not?
I will not take advantage of her like that.
This is over.
I shut him out furiously.
Getting up, I pace the room.
How dare he suggest that? I thought he loved our mate, but apparently he thinks she's just a toy. To be used and discarded.
Needing some fresh air, I grab a bag and stuff extra clothes into it.
I tie it around my ankle and head out.
Thirty minutes later
Being a wolf in a run is exhilarating.
My world is sight, sound, and scent.
No room for the complications of humanity.
When I am in this form, I understand my wolf, but my humanity is still showing enough for me to respect my mate.
I will not rape her.
It is not rape if she begs us.
It is if she does not understand what's happening.
Surely she does?
How many females in her pack have mates and therefore heat?
My wolf is silent, and I celebrate the sweet victory before pressing on.
My paws skim the side of a trunk as I dodge a trunk, and I stumble. A root was waiting for me on the other side. And on the other side?
A clearing of rocks and a beautiful pond, water trickling into it from a tiny waterfall.
At the bottom, lounging behind the fall is my mate, in a tiny cave.
I know it's peaceful, and I don't want to ruin it.
See? I have a heart.
Sighing softly, I back out of the trees. Lucky me, I forget my mate has keen hearing.
(A/N: next part she's gonna behave a little strangely so don't worry...)
"Who's there?"
I curse silently, then step back out. I don't want to worry her with thoughts of a rogue.
"Save it."
Her voice is so sharp.
It cuts through my heart.
How does she not notice her effect?
I cover it up with a smirk - ohhh. That's how.
"Come back here for another round?"
Her voice is bitter, and I flinch.
I shift back into my human form and step out of the trees, slipping into my pants. "Look, I-"
"I told you to shut up."
Wisely I shut up.
"You should know, that meant nothing."
"What meant nothing?"
"Marking you. I still feel nothing for you."
I know she's lying, because her voice quivers at the end, but her words are still a knife to my heart. Oh wait, it was already in there. Now it's just being twisted around.
"I respect that."
"Do you?" she inquires, her tone mocking. "Do you really?"
I'm speechless before her naked fury. I meant she had a lot of fury but wait is she really naked under there?
"This is why I think you don't have any respect for me," she growls, and I jerk my eyes up to her face again, my ears burning.
"You sure you don't want to see the rest?" she hisses, walking out of the cave along a tiny path.
She's naked. We're alone.
Take her right now!
Thankfully, my wolf knocks some sense into me- the opposite of what he had planned- and I tear my eyes away from, well, below her neck.
She right in front of me now, and she leans forward and strokes my cheek.
What the hell is she doing?
"So brave," her minty breath says, sweeping across my face. I shiver.
"So delicious," she purrs.
With a vicious slash, my cheek is laid open, with a shallow cut.
"And so disrespectful."
My hands twitch, but I do nothing. I feel my skin already knitting back together. She'd meant to provoke me, not injure me.
"Now you're not doing anything?"
She crosses her arms, throwing rocks at my wall of willpower.
She leans forward, her eyes sparkling in my face.
"You behaved better than I thought," she murmurs, stepping away and back up the precarious trail into her cave. She emerges a few moment later, wearing some clothes.
I let out a breath in a relief. "Is that the end of your revenge?"
My mate shrugs.
If I had touched her or hurt her in any way, she would have rejected me, I know.
"It wasn't the challenge," she replies, avoiding my question.
More revenge. Great.
My Mark burns on my skin, and I grunt in pain.
She steps forward, putting a hand on my arm. Immediately, the pain fades away.
When she steps back, it's dormant.
"What's happening?" I ask anxiously. She shrugs again. How does she manage to make that look sexy?
"I guess we're going into heat soon."
"Me too?" I raise an eyebrow. She laughs, music to my ears, and shakes her head. "Me and my wolf, idiot."
I can't bear this. I turn and walk away, shouting over my shoulder, "Tell me your challenge tomorrow!"
In an instant she is by my side. "What's wrong?"
I grit my teeth determinedly. "We just Marked each other and my wolf is going crazy- I can't bear this. Let me be alone."
"I see," she murmurs. Her eyes are flashing gold. "In that case, leave."
Next day
(A/N: this is nerve wracking! Even to me!)
I wake up alone in my room.
Part of me is disappointed. Shouldn't she be here?
Groaning, I sit up and run my hand through my hair, worried. What time is it?
P.M. Noon.
I leap out of bed hurriedly and pull on clothes.
Heading downstairs, I leap over the railing and land the twelve foot drop on my hands and feet, crouching for a moment before straightening up.
"Rather dramatic entrance, don't you think?"
It's Paula, her eyes narrowed. She crosses her arms. "The hell you doing at this hour?"
"Just woke."
She grunts. "Fine. Go see Alpha. She's in the clearing."
"Sure," I answer, walking as fast as dignity could carry me out of there. Apparently too fast, because I hear her snicker behind me.
Hey, Mate?
F*ck! Don't just link me out of nowhere!
Yeah, well I'm coming.
Thought you might want to know.
Well now I do.
Okay... Bye.
I cut off our connection, feeling awkward.
She's going into heat in a week and she's worried about what we're going to do to her.
We should not have let her Mark us.
We told her to Mark us.
That's not what I meant.
Then what?
It's... Not important.
I shrug, then ask, Is she mad?
Why would she be?
I don't know... Yesterday, maybe?
What about-
Stop driving me crazy, jackass!
Silence. Cue the crickets!
Jackass is a swear for normal humans, but for werewolves, it is a really bad insult. I don't know why I said that. Oh wait! I'm an idiot. That's why.
I-I didn't mean-
Fine. Whatever.
Let's go.
Sighing, I make my way to the clearing.
"Hey mate."
"Hey f*cker," comes her usual answer.
"What's the challenge?"
"Not to f*ck me."
"Just kidding."
Her tone is monotone, giving away no expressions. I'll bet that she's giving me a warning in advance.
"The challenge is to go to a five star restaurant and not touch or speak with each other the whole day. First person? Lose."
I give her a half-smile in grudging appreciation.
Our mate-
Is amazing, I finish.
"That's a good challenge."
"Wasn't looking for your approval."
I cross my arms. She's so... Dominant.
"That's fine," I retort. "Because I'm participating just as willingly as you did last night."
Immediately after the words had left my mouth I felt like hitting myself. Luckily? My mate beat me it.
The breath came out of me in a whoosh as she jabbed three fingers, hard, into my stomach. I curl over, gasping, and she takes the time to sashay away, throwing a few words over her shoulder.
"Don't mess with an Alpha... Luna."
Touché darling. Touché.
Raze behaved well this chapter.
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(Kept my promise, 1500 words!)

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