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Raze POV
I am helpless as my mate walks off into the forest. What have I done wrong? I ask my wolf. He gives me the impression of a shrug. His voice is somehow prideful when he answers, Take it not to heart. She is stubborn and proud. Remember she told us her past life. We should tell her ours.
What if she-
There is no reason to hate you more. If anything, she will hate you less. She will understand, and accept her role as Luna.
I'm not so sure about that.
If she does not-
Beat her into submission?
No! She can best us in a fight, you idiot! If she does not, in a one form wolf pack, there are two ruling Alphas anyway. The male and female. Therefore, there is no reason to force her to be Luna. You can rule equally.
One forms are lesser than us, and I don't trust females!
One forms are less intelligent about human complexities and therefore are more logical. As for your mistrust, she doesn't trust males, counters my wolf, and I sigh. Fine, I will tell her. But don't you dare blame me for her reaction!
I approach a burly girl. All the girls in this pack are either muscular or have a false weak feminine look.
Such as our mate. 'How could she beat me so easily?' was the thought that ran through my mind, until I saw past her slim form and looked at the muscles rippling under her skin.
"Where can I find the Luna?" I ask, trying to get the subtle message into her subconscious.
She doesn't fall for it.
Shooting me a dirty look, she grabs my outstretched hand, steps behind me, and flips me over in one smooth move. I wince.
"She is not the Luna. She is our Alpha," she growls, her eyes flaring. Great. I've awakened the she-wolf.
"If you dare call her such again, we've permission to maim you, Luna."
Not kill. Maim, I comment to my wolf, steadfastly ignoring the "Luna" remark. He grunts in appreciation before falling silent.
"I'm sorry," I mutter unwillingly. I can't exactly afford to be disrespectful when her claws are threatening to rip out my throat, now, can I?
Sure you can. No one else thinks your life is worth anything, anyway. Comes the friendly voice of my wolf.
By the way, that's a joke. Really. We joke like that. We think that's funny. Hahaha. Not.
Sorry Raze. You know I'm wolfing around.
Ok, I see my efforts are unappreciated. I'm off now.
Bye. Idiot.
He chuckles in my head before disappearing off to his wolf antics in my head.
The she-wolf glared at me for a few more seconds before letting me back up.
"Name's Paula," she says, somewhat more friendly. I nod. "Raze. What's your Alpha called?"
Again, she shoots me the death glare. "If she hasn't told you, she doesn't want you to know."
"Fine, fine," I say, raising my hands. My mate is well communicated with her Pack. That I can acknowledge.
"I need to talk to her," I explain. "It's not about- well, you know. It's something important. Really important."
"Hmm," she grunts while running her eyes over my body. It's not to see my good looks - You must be joking - but to assess my personality and what weapons I may have on me.
"She is in the forest," Paula mutters before turning away to return to her training.
I run off to the forest, into a barrage of scents. My keen nose can sort out the identities, though not as much as my wolf form can. But one thing that definitely is easy to track is my mate's scent. It is just... Appealing. There is no scent like blossoms or apples or that sh*t. Just... Delicious.
My mate is beautiful. Her body is slim and an hourglass figure. She has long black hair, a contrast to her wolf form, and has a small nose and oval face. Her skin is like porcelain and her eyes are large and dark brown.
"What are you doing here?" an unfriendly voice growls before I feel her claws on my neck.
I shrug her off. "I have to tell you my history."
Abruptly, her hands fall off and I turn to her to see a shocked face.
"You trusted me enough to tell me about the abuse you had. Now I will entrust you with my past life."
"Very well," she says after a short pause. Her dark gaze bores into me, and I have the sense that she is looking into my soul. She sits down on a trunk and gestures for me to sit down. "I will listen."
Hi guys! Don't start expecting three updates in a day! I write when I feel like it, or when inspiration hits me :)
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