Who is RTC?

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Again I wake up in a strange place.
It's grey. I have restraints on me.
I'm in a cell.
I try contacting my Pack.
Alpha! Where are you?
They're alive!
I'm in this prison-sort of thing.
You're in prison?
I have no idea where I am. What happened?
Raze's Pack attacked. Last thing I saw of you was Raze bringing you somewhere.
You didn't stop him? Disbelief colors my tone.
A wolf attacked me straight after. Although the fight was short and easy, they succeeded in distracting us.
My f*cking son of a b*tch (for reals) wolf mate!
I have to cut off our connection, I murmur, noticing the door opening.
My surroundings are tiny. Twelve by twelve, it's hardly anything for a wolf pacing as far as her chains allow.
"Are you comfortable?"
Answering in any way would probably just make him laugh, so I just stare at him. It's not a glare, just a blank, non-thinking stare. An idea comes to me...
"Not answering is rude."
Don't let him get to you.
My wolf's reassuring tone calms me.
You're still here?
What do you mean? I was assessing the situation.
Have some confidence in me, Alpha.
What have you found so far? I ask, still staring straight ahead as Raze starts yelling.
Nothing much. The bars behind us - they're strong and made of silver. The door is, too. And underneath the dirt is also silver.
He's nothing if not thorough, I grunt. She agrees, It's not possible to escape.
I will have to ride this wave out.
"What did you do to her?" Raze howls at the guards. "I told you not to hurt her!"
"We-we didn't, Alpha! She just woke up!"
"Well what's wrong?"
I stop listening. It's harder not to betray emotion when I'm furious.
Let's go with your idea. I've been thinking about it, and it just might work.
Do you think they put wolvesbane in me?
Wolvesbane, although it's name doesn't suggest it, is actually not lethal to werewolves. It's highest use as a weapon is to make a werewolf go into a state sort of like a waking coma.
You can see, feel, and do things that are simple, but the bane stops your brain from doing anything complex, like solving a Rubik's cube.
We just wanted something that sounds cool as our weakness. That's werewolves for you.
I don't know. If they have, then it's perfectly normal to behave this way, as though they've given you an overdose of wolvesbane. If they haven't, they may assume that you have gone into a state of shock.
I see.... Still, I'm a bit worried as Raze kicks the wall and curses. He turns to me with fury in his gaze. "This is not funny! Answer me now!"
"You f*cker." He laughs, sounding insane. "I went through all this trouble to get you to be my mate, and still-"
This is not Raze.
I don't smell anything alluring about this man. And Raze, although he had a bit of a tantrum to him, he would never disgrace himself in this way. Raze a nice boy.
Who the hell do you think this is?
That's my question.
Evil scientist who cloned Raze is my guess.
There's silence before my wolf snickers. Or... It could be a twin.
Y-you have no imagination, I bluster. That's so cliche!
And I suppose evil scientist isn't?
Shut your wolf hole.
My pleasure.
She leaves me to think on my own.
Raze/Twin/Clone (let's call him RTC) is still kicking the walls. He turns to me menacingly. "There wasn't enough wolvesbane to make you this unresponsive."
He leans close to my face, grabbing the muzzle. Involuntarily, my body tenses at the close proximity to a male besides my mate.
"Ah, so Sleeping Beauty is not so asleep after all," he drawls. How the heck did I think he was Raze? The elegant werewolf has a better vocabulary, not to mention sweeter body odor.
I am still playing my role of overdosed female, and thinking hard.
You need me already?
Fine, go away.
No, no. What do you want?
Can you detect whether his scent is close enough to Raze to be his twin?
Ah, finally, some intelligent thinking!
Shut up and smell.
There is a pause as she takes over my body. I close my eyes for a two second blink as she draws in a quick breath.
Yes, it is.
My chains clank as he yanks on them. "You want this off, b*tch? You want them off?"
I'm silent.
"Stop f*cking around!"
My muzzle is shut.
He sneers in my face before leaving. "Three days without water won't do her any harm," he growls to the guards. "Give her crackers and dry cake."
Oh. My. Wolf.
I am a werewolf. High metabolism? I can eat twelve hamburgers a day! Possibly more! And here he is, giving me no food or water! Fine, he's giving me food, but it's such a sh*tty excuse for one...
One hour of angry pacing later
I'm worn out. I shouldn't have done all that walking. Tired, I flop down on my side as the door opens.
A guard quickly shoved in a plate of food before closing the door again.
Crackers. Yippee.
Do you mind taking over for a moment? I need water.
I can get water if I am in your mind.
Oh, true. Come on then.
Now, in case you are wondering, most werewolves can't summon food inside their minds. I was thinking about that while I was pacing, and it doesn't make sense if others can, because I've heard of torture techniques of starvation that work on werewolves. So it wouldn't work on me. Which is awesome.
I sip some sprite and sigh. Popcorn appears on a table by my side, and I munch on it blissfully while drinking my water.
Wolf, what do you do during your time-
Watch out!
The door opens so suddenly that my wolf has no choice but to fling herself back into my mind. But here's the problem: I'm in her mind.
So while we are jostling for space, RTC noticed my flashing eyes, unusual behavior for an overdosed patient. Sh*t.
"Hm, so Sleeping Beauty has woken," he murmurs, grabbing my fur. "Let's see you shifted, hmm?"
I snarl.
Big mistake.
He knows we're awake now, dumb b*tch!
Sorry *grin*
He kicks my side, and I whimper in pain. "Don't you want to Mate with me?"
F*ck no!
His gaze darkens. "I'm not Raze."
Well duh.
"I'm his twin."
Told you!
Shut up.
"You want to know why I'm telling you this?"
Why, b*tch?
He snickers. "Raze defeated me when we were vying for Alpha. He never heard of me... And I nearly killed him when he was surprised but, oh well. And he's going to be so happy when he hears about you Marking me."
"What's that? You don't want to?" he murmurs, staring into my eyes.
"You've got no choice because-" he breaks off and calls, "Bring her in!"
I hold back my whine as a bruised and battered Andria is shoved in.
She's the bargaining tool.
Hi me lovelies!
Mwahahaha what shall happen to her? Will she mate? Will she give up her friend? Hmm?
Like it? Please don't forget to vote! Comment! Love y'all!
I am evil because I end in a cliffhanger even though I have 300 reads. Hahaha.
What? You crazy girl?
'Scuze me, who is this?
Your wolf. Stele?
Nah, I'm off idiot *wink*
Oh come on!
Bye b*tch'!
Love you too...

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