The Heck

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"What are you doing?" snarls my mate as I walk towards him.
"Hello," I say politely, ignoring his rudeness. No manners. That's not what I like in a boy- not that I ever liked him in the first place.
"What's your name?" he snaps at me, and I sigh. I sniff the air, and notice only about three hundred enemy scents.
"I think that, being on my territory, it is my right to ask the questions first."
"I demand to speak to a male," he growls, and I smile. "Request denied."
"See, this is the stupid kind of bi*ches I'm telling you about, Pot," he barks at a submissive mongrel. It raises its head pitifully, and I realize that it's a stunted and very malnourished runt.
"Excuse me, if you continue to ignore me I will kill you," I purr. He clenches his fists, then let's go, sighing. "Look, we're mates. I won't give you any trouble, love, just become my Luna."
"Wow. A Luna. That's so much better than my current position, isn't it?" I ask my friend. Andria checks her nails. Nice, the very picture of sass.
"I don't... Think so, Alpha," she replies, emphasizing my title. I smile at her and  shoot forward to my mate. In half a second I have his back slammed against a tree and I knee the wind out of him. As he doubles over, gasping, I place my elongated claws onto his neck.
A savage jerk is all it takes to bring him to my face, and I open my mouth slightly, grinning. My canines are extended next to his neck, but they're aimed to kill, not Mark. "Sorry, mate. I really really want to kill you."
"Give- me, a chance," he wheezes. I trace his six-pack absently. I'm a healthy 5" 11, and he's only taller by three inches.
"What do you mean, a chance?" I ask sweetly. "Is that the chance you gave my pack before trying to slaughter us?"
"Alpha! There are reinforcements for the enemy!"
I curse and drop my mate, placing my foot on his neck. Without shoes, my claws can extend fully, until blood is drawn. "Tell them to back off unless they want a member to die."
Sighing as the messenger runs off, I return back to human and dust off my clothes, turning my back on my mate. "What do you say I-"
He grabs my feet and pulls my down, until he is on top of me. His face leans closer to my face and then veers off to my neck.
No, you f*cking don't, I growl, putting my hands around his neck. It's fairly easy to keep him a foot away from me as his face turns blue and purple with both rage and lack of air.
Yawning, I stand up, letting him drop once more. Yes I am badass!
"You won't get away with this," the Runt squeaks. I glare at him, sending him scuttling into the shadows of a branch.
"Are you the Alpha?" I ask slowly, turning to my mate. Well, duh, he offered to make me Luna.
"I am."
"Then keep your dirty paws off of me. I won't have a whoremonger for a mate, hell I don't want any mate!" I yell, kicking my foot violently at a tree. Although the pain is excruciating, I don't allow any pain to contort my features, only satisfaction as the tree breaks and falls in front of me.
"You're so feisty," my mate purrs, and I spin around and kick him where he's... Well, you know.
"You have nice pretty bruises on your neck," I snarl. "But I'd love to stain them with red."
"If it's caused by your lips, anything," he manages to gasp. I kick him again. "Have you ever seduced a person?"
There was silence before he groans, "No."
"That explains why are you so unattractive at the moment?" I mutter.
"If you don't shut your f*cking trap, I'll shut it for you."
"Why do you curse so much?" he whines. I laugh. "Probably because I'm near something that I can't describe with all the curses in the world?"
"All your blows are low but I think you aimed a little higher for that," he murmurs. I could almost hear him thinking, my beautiful face!
And no, thankfully it's just my imagination, I cannot actually hear him.
"I never seduce a person they seduce me," he explains.
"I said shut up."
"You can't tell me what-"
Beyond exasperated, I lean over him and jab him behind the ear expertly. He falls unconscious immediately.
"My Alpha! What have you done to my Alpha?!"
The cry comes from the Runt, and I stare at him in astonishment. "Are you kidding me? He hates you!"
"I deserve it!" Runt whines. "He's fine right?"
"I don't really care," I snap. "If you don't want me to hurt him more, back the hell off."
Whimpering, he slides back a few feet but continue to observe me.
Ignoring him completely, I take out a knife and press it to the Alpha's throat. When he wakes up or if the reinforcements come early, they better not try anything.
Alpha, a messenger is coming, alerted my Gamma.
Rising, I dusted off my shorts and held the Alpha close.
"Hail- female? I want to speak to your Alpha," a messenger calls.
This stupid sexism. That stupid dog. He's not the only stupid one. They're all stupid.
"I'm the Alpha," I answer, fists clenched at my sides when he looks at me dubiously.
"Fine, female. Note that we're coming to rescue our Alpha."
What he implies is, "We're so much better than your pack and we will never stop at anything to take back our better Alpha."
"If you don't show some respect I will kill your Alpha right now," I say quietly. I deserve recognition, but - damnit! Stupid males won't give me any!"
"If you don't let him go, I will kill you right now," answers the messenger. He whistles, and the runt scampers to his side, handing him a bow and arrow. He aims it at me, waiting for me to give up.

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