My Pack New Rules

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Alpha, we must stop running.
I am racing through the woods, flying as fast as possible among the trees. They're merely a blur as they sweep past me.
I leap over a bush. Kick at the thistles.
My wolf instincts have taken over.
Everything is reduced to sight and sound and smell. There's no reason for regret in my wolf.
But she stops me.
We must go back to our Pack. They are expecting us.
I don't think I can-
Can I ever have any peace?
Snarling under my breath, I turn around. What.
I-I'm sorry about your friend.
He died because of you.
My mate stops suddenly, hurt. What?
I pad towards him menacingly. If you hadn't come, he'd still be alive.
If I hadn't come-
Don't you dare try to find anything positive in your visit, I bark. He flinches. I need a Luna.
You're not getting one.
I am so done with this! I mean it this time!
If you really hate him that much, my wolf murmurs grudgingly, There's something you should know.
Since he is the only one who Marked you, he is the only one who will really suffer if you reject him.
Tell me that you didn't lie to me before,  I snarl.
Fine. I'll give him thirty days. But after that you better not argue!
I cut off our conversation and glare at my mate.
A plan comes to mind...
"What is your name?" I ask.
"Raze. And yours?"
"You may address me as Alpha and nothing more or less," I answer, smiling at his shocked face.
Tasha: 1
Raze: 0
"That's alright. Your Packmates-"
If anyone tells Raze my name, I will personally torture you.
Yes, Alpha.
"My Packmates will say nothing," I say sweetly.
He takes a deep breath. "I thought you're giving me a chance."
Aw. Is the big bad Alpha crying?
"Here's your chance. I'm not killing you, hurting you, or rejecting you."
I glare at him when he opens his mouth to object. With a snap, he closes it.
"And you better say nothing about Luna," I yell, poking his chest.
He nods and begins. "My mother and father were Luna and Alpha. I am traditional so I need a- but let's talk about that later," he stammers at my furious hiss.
"We consist of an almost even 600 males and 400 females."
Almost even?
"We train our children from the ages of ten, then when they shift, they are taught how to be a werewolf."
We train our children from whenever they are initiated into our Pack.
"300 of our males have found their mates."
He addresses the males only.
I'm hating him more and more.
"Every leader is a male. Such as, the trainer. The Alpha. Beta. Gamma."
Did I mention how I hate this dude?
"But I don't have- we'll get back to that," he amends hastily. "I-"
"If you want a mate so bad," I snarl, "Go whoring among your sluts. There are none here."
"I'm done with this. Whatever you do is either inferior to my Pack or goes against everything we teach."
"What are the things you teach?"
I look at him closely, then decide he's not joking. "Female werewolves can be as strong as males."
"You're not nearly as big as-"
"No, but I kicked your as* pretty easily," I retort. "Furthermore, many of our main leaders are females, but because we have such a huge pack, we-"
"How many members do you have in all?"
I think around 6,000.
"Six thousand," I say, crossing my arms. His eyes bulge.
"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my Pack."
Stepping around him, I race back.
Barks and howls greet me enthusiastically. Alpha!
Shifting into my wolf, I howl, I've a few things I wish to change in the Pack. Let the Beta and Gamma come to me.
Our Beta is a rare older male with the ability to see past the fact I am a female and appreciate that I am strong.
I turn to the uncertain Beta and assess his fear.
Don't worry. You are staying as Beta, I bark amusedly.
Thank you, Alpha.
Pressing on.
Now, I take it we have a very large Pack to maintain?
Yes, Alpha.
How do you normally organize it?
They come to us with problems and we solve them. We train them altogether.
I am thinking of some modifications, I say. What if we divide the Pack into five smaller tribes of 1000 females and 200 males? There will be leaders for each one, who will come to us ultimately?
That would be a good idea- my Gamma answers. I can sense the "but."
It would be a good idea, but what if one of the tribes makes an alliance? We may face a full scale revolt.
Not if Alpha maintains the full relationship between her Pack, answers my Beta, thinking. She can divide them so, as long as they come to her each week to talk about the problems. Any hidden issues are punished immediately, but if it is allowance for stealing, the tribe leaders may tell you. The territory should divide into five, but they may cross over to each other in need of help. Every full moon you should meet with the whole Pack and do a ceremony for the young ones. In this way you can maintain a strong relationship, Beta tells me. I bow my head to him respectfully, knowing that it is the ultimate form of thanks from an Alpha to show their throat.
You are an asset to this Pack, I bark.
If the tribe leaders are too harsh, you should arrange for secret meetings with the tribes as well, Andria adds. I nod to them. Thank you. I will speak to them immediately. Do you have any choices for the tribe leaders?
I- if we- I mean, Beta stammers, and I sweep my tail, amused. Perhaps two can be male, I allow. But if any tribe members are treated harshly, they are out of the pack.
The ultimate punishment other than killing, for a wolf needs her pack.
I am proud of mine. It is strong, respectful, and loyal. And I would never give it to the next male who walks in. Not even if it is my mate.
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