Dinner with Heat- "nothing happened~"

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Raze POV
I tug on my suit one last time before inhaling deeply and turning to the door. This should be fun.
In the hall, I meet my mate. She's gorgeous, with a red gown, black heels, and gloves. Wait, no, mittens? No... Wait....
Wordlessly we pad side by side, the challenge already started. My wolf is bucking inside my head, gnashing his teeth. You're being rude to our mate!
This is the challenge, I growl. She has challenged us to not speak or touch.
You would ignore our mate for mere pride?
The challenge is not mere pride! I retort. Last challenge she won, therefore, the next shall have to be won by us! Or else she will take over our pack and we will be a Luna.
Is that so bad?
You kidding me?
Okay, he grudgingly agrees. This is important.
Thanks to our conversing, my mate had stopped and I'd nearly walked into her. Ah f*ck.
Your welcome.
Shut up.
If you do.
I thought you were going to shut up.
And I thought you're getting in the car.
I grit my teeth, ignoring the annoying voice in the back of my head. "Thanks, Martin," I say politely to the driver. He bows and scurries to the front seat. I sit beside my mate in the back, each of us steadfastedly ignoring the other.
I think the moment I first realized something was weird was after we were already seated in the restaurant.
She was shifting in her seat every few minutes, and one time a whimper rose in her throat.
I dismissed it, thinking that it was just regret at making this challenge.
You're such a f*cking idiot.
Why? What's wrong?
She's going into heat soon!
At those words, all reason left my body and I rose quickly, managing not to knock over my chair. We had already ordered food, and she was twirling spaghetti around her fork absentmindedly.
"We're getting you home," I ordered. She glares at me. "Might I remind you that you are currently participating in a challenge and speaking has cost you a point?"
I ignore her, trying to grab her arm, but she scoots away from me. "The hell you doing?"
"We have to get you home!"
I look around and groan. "Don't you know?"
"Know what?"
"You're f*cking going into heat!" I whisper, and she stiffens. "No."
"Yes, and that's why we need to get you home."
"I don't see why."
"All the males will smell your arousal," I mutter, my cheeks red. She laughs softly. "Is the Big, Bad Wolf jealous?"
"No, I'm terrified," I admit. Her eyes soften and she reaches over to my face before snatching her hand back as though I may burn her. "I don't believe you."
"Well that doesn't matter," I growl. She squirms in her seat again, and this time her whimper is a low cry of pain. "This... Can't be heat," she panted. "They said it doesn't hurt."
"That's only if you're in contact with your mate," I explain urgently. "Some females have died from the pain!"
"I'm not most females, though," she snarls. "I can bear it."
I could see her lie in the way she clenched her fists. Damnit, I've known her for less than a week and already I could interpret her every move. I was growing attached.
And I can't lose her.
"I swear, I will touch you first, you can get both points," I say urgently. "Please, just listen."
She pressed the napkin to her mouth and gave a muted scream as her body shook in agony. "H-help, Raze," she whimpered, all semblance of stubbornness washed away.
My anger melted away and I reached over to scoot her up in my arms. Immediately, she relaxed, and I held onto her tightly. "F*ck you," I whispered into her hair. "Don't make me worry like that."
I could smell her arousal clearly. Sh*t.
I link my packmates. Get the car up! She's in heat! Any male who touches her, I will personally rip off his limbs.
My wolf was howling, You can mate with her now! Take her! Mate her! Complete the bond!
She shifted in my arms and looked at me with glazed eyes, trailing a nail down my chin as I ran towards the car. "Raze," she sighed, snuggling into me. "Raze."
I grabbed the car door, pushed her in gently, and climbed in next to her. The scent was getting strong we, the scent of heat.
The moment my hand left her body, she let out a piercing scram, full of pure agony, and I quickly pulled her into my arms. "Shh," I murmured, stroking her hair. "You're safe with me."
I had no warning that she was going to grab my neck and pull me on top of her. She moaned, "Raze... Mate with me."
My wolf is so annoying.
Shaking my head, I pull her into a tight hug, smothering her demands and keeping her pain at bay. It worked until we were entering the Pack house, into her room, and I shoved her onto her bed.
She gasped at the cold linen, and I looked towards her only to see her pulling her nightgown off.
"Ahh, no," I mutter, pulling it back on. My wolf bounced at my wall of willpower. It didn't help that she was shoving me on the bed and climbing on top of me.
"Raze you love me, right?"
"You know I do," I grunt. "Go take a shower."
"That's just mean."
Groaning, I grab her hip, lift her up, and shove her into the bathroom and onto the counter while I fill the tub with cold water. She's moaning from the heat, her face contorted in pain, and I strip off my shirt before lifting her again and shoving her into the tub with me.
We stay like that for the rest of the night, me shivering and her keeping me warm. Nothing, and I say nothing happened. Apart from maybe a peck or two. Or a deep kiss. Or maybe a frenching.
But that's all.
That is as far as I am allowing myself to go.
Because even if she begs for it, even if she reeks of arousal, even when my wolf is begging me, I won't. I won't betray her trust.
Because I love her.
Because I, Raze, mate of the most beautiful wolf in the world, does not want to lose her.
Long break, yeah yeah, I know.
I can't update for the next five days but I will definitely make it up to you guys. Why?
Because I love you.
Nah just kidding.

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