I Hate You So Much

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Groaning, I open my eyes.
I feel pain.
*yawn* Hey, what's up? Where are we?
That's what I was about to ask you.
I'm going to check our memories.
Minutes go by as I look around. There is a sort of restraint on my body, though not chains, that stop me from turning my head. I can only see straight ahead and a little to the sides.
White. All white. And one little corner of a desk. That's all I can see.
You're not going to like this, my wolf says grimly. I sigh. When have I ever?
He captured us.
He? Who's he?
I'm giving you back your memories.
You took them?
No, they were locked up when you were... Marked.
Before I can say anything, I remember all that's happened. "Oh. My. F*ucking. Mate."
"Hello, Mate," comes his voice.
Speak of the f*cking d-
"That's not a nice word to say."
"You marked me!"
"Yes," he calmly replies.
Trying not to scream, I take a deep breath. "Where am I?"
"You're at your Pack's hospital. When they found out we are mates, they let me stay here."
"Hell no!"
Guys? Get him out. Now.
Sorry, Alpha! We can't!
Are you... Betraying me? I ask, astonished.
No, of course not, Andria replies. But when he marked you - b*stard - he made sure that you cannot reject him without feeling severe pain. That's the consequence.
Sh*t. Sh*t to the f*cking hell. F*ck him.
"How dare you Mark me without my consent?" I snarl. He laughs. "You're my Luna now. I took over your Pack."
Let me out, doc.
I-I can't, Luna.
The doctor enters the room, looking frightened. She curtsies to my mate first, and I grit my teeth. She turns to me. "He says he beat you in a fight and you agreed to let him Mark you."
"I did not!"
"Sorry, Luna-"
"If you keep saying that I will f*cking kill you. Get me out. Now."
"Y-Yes," she stammers, unlocking me.
I sit up, face my sneering mate, then punch him as hard as I can on the jaw. "WHAT THE F*CK?!" I scream, kicking him. My claws elongate, as I claw at him. For some reason my wolf is howling, but I don't listen. "How dare you Mark me?!"
My doctor gasps. "Is he lying, Alpha?"
"No f*cking sh*t," I howl.
Suddenly, my wolf interrupts. Stop! You cannot!
No. I will reject him.
You're injured, she says suddenly, her tone abruptly sly. You will not be able to fight off the full effects of rejecting him.
I shift into my wolf, tearing through my hospital gown.
(A/N: she's not injured anymore because she's a werewolf)
Padding over to my bleeding mate, I bare my teeth in a snarl. Now that we're mates, I can mind link the b*stard. I am the Alpha. You will integrate your Pack with me and you will be my Luna, or so help me, I will kill you myself.
The most you will be able to do is reject me, he growls, shifting into his own wolf. Hahaha. Pathetically, it's smaller than mine.
Then I will reject you.
You'd never.
I would. I don't feel any affections towards you.
His eyes widen. At least give me a chance.
I gave you the chance to live and your Pack shot me and you Marked me.
Please. Thirty days only. I will never do anything like that again.
If you dare touch me... I take a deep breath and continue on a different subject. Thirty days. If you have not convinced me by then, I will reject you.
The great and mighty and egotistical Alpha bows his head submissively. Thank you.
I snarl as I brush past him and my doctor. I announce to my Pack, Gather!
Then, I change into my clothes which I find stashed in a cupboard.
My pack is at the front of the hospital, and my Gamma steps forward. "What is it, Luna?"
My furious bark sends her cringing. "I am not your Luna! I am your Alpha!"
"But your Mate-"
"If any of you dare speak of him again I will personally shred your ears," I hiss. They immediately fall silent and I add, "I am the Alpha of Windblown Blood. Not some male. If any of you are questioning my leadership, come up here and fight me."
Nothing stirs for a while, until Jake makes his way to the front.
I stare at him disbelieving lay, but he only crouches, changing into his small brown wolf. "I-" Sighing, I do the same.
We circle each other, then Jake leaps at me. Diving out of his way, I land in a skid and turn back on myself, catching him unawares by the tail. Projecting my thoughts so everyone can hear, I growl, if you submit right now I will not kill you.
His snarl answers me, and without hesitation, he snaps at my paw, breaking it. Oh, he asked for it. I let my wolf instincts take over as I crouch down, then leap onto his back. As he bucks furiously, I lean down and sink my teeth into his neck.
He goes limp beneath me, jerking in the pool of his own blood.
Whining, I nudge him. Get up, Jake!
He's dead.
Panting, I stare at the blood on my paws and turn swiftly, running away from the huge clearing and into the forest, where I can be alone.
Hi me lovelies!
@TheScriptOneRepublic this is dedicated to you!
Also, just wanna say, I hate guys that force themselves onto girls.
And I really am worried about Tasha at this point... Can she cope with this unexpected turn of events, of killing her best friend Jake?
I hope so!
Like. Hate. Vote. Comment!
P.S. I spent thirty minutes trying to write TheScriptOneRepublic because I thought it was TheOneScriptRepublic so I'm tired AF

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