Alpha Extremities Don't Make Sense

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I wake in the hospital again and feel a surge of temporary anxiety.
My last visit has not gone well.
Springing out of bed to check my mobility, I assess that everything is alright and relax.
Oh, you're finally talking to me?
Ugh, it's fine. What?
Is anything wrong? Can you check my memories?
You're being paranoid. The only reason you're here is because you were rooting out loudmouths and had injured yourself.
Okay. Well, talk to you soon.
Nothing is wrong.
I feel my face. There's a permanent nick in my ear, and I smile. My first trophy as Alpha.
It's finally a full day since I've been Alpha. I've slept that long.
I wonder, is there going to be peace today? Recalling yesterday's events? Probably not.
My doctor comes in, her head bowed. She's obviously worried that I'm holding a grudge.
Hey, I'm an Alpha! I can hold grudges for as long as I like!
But... I suppose I have to forgive her because otherwise many of my Pack would be dead... It's so annoying having to be self-righteous and all that sh*t that comes with being Alpha!
"It's alright, doc. You're not in any danger."
She nods, her head still bowed. "Thank you, Alpha."
She leaves, after reassuring me that I'm fine and the nick will not heal.
It's too peaceful.
Even my wolf is quiet.
Um you told me to be. Hey, b*tch I can be loud if you want me to be!
(A/N: it's so quiet right now where I'm writing that I can't get into the character of badas* Tasha!!!!!! SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!)
No! Shut the hell up!
Fine. Bye.
Something feels wrong!
"Of course it does. This is a dream," a voice murmurs behind me. I swing around. Oh. My. Wolf. This is so clichè.
"That makes... Sense," I say to the woman. She is dressed in an elegant wolf's fur coat, her skin as pale as the moon, her eyes golden, and-
Okay. I know I'm dreaming now.
"Why've you visited me?" I ask curiously. She laughs. "It's not that I can visit you merely for pleasure?"
"You are far too serious, young one," she barks, her face amused.
Young one? Lady, you look twenty.
"I see you still have your spirit," she adds. My face is legit burning. She can hear my thoughts?
I yelp in horror. Oh. My. Wolf. She's heard every thought. Every thought! Personal, very private, and most horrifying, sexual!
"That's not nice. In a way, I am you. Your wolf, Tasha, is part of me. So do not be embarrassed. I've had those thoughts too."
Wait- does that mean she thinks of male thoughts? As in, I want to f*ck that girl?
"No," she replies. "There is a figure in all the wolf legends that no one has every bothered to address. The Alpha Male of the werewolves."
I'm beginning to see why the hell the Alpha of all Werewolves has visited me.
Also, if you need some basic knowledge, here it is:
When the moon formed at its fullest, several years ago, several, it shown down on a lake. Nothing much special about that, except it was a blue moon shining down on two females: a wolf, and her partner. You could say owner, but the possessive comes either way.
The females were intertwined because they'd both run away or something (that part's not very clear), and the moon supposedly took pity on them - the hell? - and made them partners forever. Thus creating the Werewolf.
And no, it is not when a human mates with a wolf (ew), because that would just create some sort of weird hybrid like in Harry Potter, that stupid, totally unrealistic, werewolf. Lupin? Luther? Daisy?
Anyway, back to the present train of thoughts, the Alpha female is the only werewolf ever taught of in the legend. But right now, here she is, telling me there's a male too. And that makes sense because, otherwise how the hell would she "reproduce?" She's part human, so she can't mate with Wolves. And newsflash? The stories about wolves and werewolves, or humans and werewolves mating, are false. You can like one, but unless you want a total jackass, you should probably stick to your own species for sex.
(A/N: IM TOO YOUNG TO WRITE LIKE THIS!!! But I have too or else it's gonna sound terrible, so ugh. NOT TELLING MY F*CKING AGE YIU STALKERS LOL)
So here the Extreme Alpha is, telling me about her equally Extreme Alpha mate.
So yeah. I think I know where this is going.
"You can rule side by side," she confirms. "There was never any rule to being subservient to either one or the other."
I am happy. Yay. Not.
"But the males have dominated us for millennia!" I protest. "Can't we have some revenge?"
"Think like this," she reasons. "Revenge is addictive. Once started, you find that when it comes to an end, there is hardly a purpose in life anymore, or the way of life is vastly different, so you do not stop. Furthermore, the generation of servant males would not be the same as the ones who enslaved you. You must only serve to balance the cause, not tilt it in your favor."
Agh! Stupid, stupid, stupid common sense! Like, we're werewolves. Our whole existence doesn't make sense. So why the f*ck do we have to go by laws of reasoning and all that crap?
Her tone is warning as she snarls at me. Sighing, I tilt my head to show my neck.
She would beat me in a fight.
"Tell me more about this.. Alpha male. What part does he have in your legends?"
"A large one," she answers. "Unlike humans, where men were created first, the werewolves were created with females needing a partner. The male is a balance. They soothe our heat and they comfort us when we are down. But that comfort as overridden into possessiveness. I dislike that."
I now my head, totally agreed. "I feel the same, Alpha."
"Your job is to balance that tilted weight. You must enforce your Pack. Take over the weaker ones."
"But I'd have to kill their Alphas!"
"Sacrifice is necessary in the precarious luck of war."
I concede reluctantly the point, but am still unhappy.
Until another werewolf materializes beside us.
Oh. My. Wolf.
The Alpha male.
(A/N: almost stopped here but I love you all so...)
"What are you teaching her?" he growls. The Alpha female is unflinching. "Necessary rules of war."
He towers over her at 6" 5, whereas she is 5"11. (A/N: I don't know how to write the heights, so please tell me!)
But she is not to be dominated.
She dances behind him and gracefully kicks him behind his knees. He buckles like a card house. Unless, of course, the card house is glued together. Which is something I may or may not have done. Which is totally irrelevant to this tension. Sorry. Commence reading.
Alpha female places a delicate claw on his neck. "Dearest, don't embarrass yourself in front of my child."
"Sorry," Alpha male mutters. He shows his neck, and she lets him up.
"Where was I before we were so rudely interrupted? Ah, yes. Necessary sacrifices."
I am in f*cking awe. She is awesome. Awesome.
I KNOW RIGHT? my wolf practically howls. She is beyond excited at seeing her larger part.
The Alpha female winks at us before continuing, "The Alphas you are to kill are the same ruthless Alphas that would rape unknowing human girls and even werewolves. I've felt their pain."
"I understand," I say respectfully. I know that she is just sugar coating my duty. It is inevitable that two Alphas in each other's presence will end up killing each other.
The Alpha male looks as if he is about to speak, when the Alpha female glares at him.
He shuts his mouth.
I think that we have a huge task ahead of us, my wolf murmurs. We'd best get on with it tomorrow.
Alpha female nods. "We should go," she says, lifting an arm. Immediately, something like most swirls into being around them.
When it lifts, they're gone!
I close my eyes to wake up.
Little do I know that there is gonna be hell to pay for this visit.
Hahaha I am overposting! You know I am :) anyway, I'm super happy with this one because I have an idea of the next chapter. It's gonna be awesome. I love you alllllll my lovelies! 💖
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