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"I'm an idiot."
Those are the first words I speak aloud to myself since Raze had left me.
You are.
She's still sulking, that petty she-wolf. Snorting, I raise my head and stalk out of the room, draping my towel about my shoulders like a red cape.
"A-Alpha," a scrawny man whimpers. I glare at him snapping angrily, "What?"
And with scarcely a sound, he becomes a wolf, blinking up at me miserably.
I'm sorry for how I acted earlier.
"Acted like what? And why did you-"
He shifted again.
The poor creature is a jackass, my wolf murmured, taking over for a brief minute.
Who are your parents?
My parents disowned me when I was born, Alpha, he said softly. In a flash he is human again.
"You-" I choke on my anger before letting myself speak. Disowning was almost certainly fatal. A child without providers, even more so a jackass, could not live for very long.
"That's why you're so skinny," I mumble, taking in his bony frame. "You're starving."
He laughed coldly before telling me, "I have to eat like a human with the appetite of a wolf."
It does not let me consume much, he explains harshly. I sense the accusation in his voice and shy away from it. "What are you trying to say?"
His sparse fur fell out in small clumps when he rubbed his body against the table. I hid my disgust behind pity. This male was so malnourished, he-
My mind flashed back to when I had been just as hungered, my hair balding in some patches, and I realized what he was going to say before he did so.
"You were abused."
It was a statement, not a question. I nod. He laughs again, his voice having no mirth in the sound. "You must think of life as very cruel. To have a mother and father die, to be hungered, to be scratched. To have a mate who rejects you."
A mate who rejects you. The words sliced through my heart. I clutch the red towel closer to my bodbefore snarling, "Say what you have in mind!"
He glares at me, making me nervous for the first time.
"Wait," I command. Tell me your name."
"You can wait until I say my piece," he snarls.
"Very well."
Maim POV
This stupid, unbelievably idiotic girl.
Can't she see what an amazing life she has? I disguise my envy with menace as I growl my story.
"I was born on the windy moors of Were Valley."
A well deserved name for many were's traverse that place for the bountiful hunting and streams.
This shifting takes away all my energy, and I lean on the wall before gasping, "My parents were a female werewolf and a male-"
Human. She abandoned me in the valley, I narrate in a rush, longing to leave behind those most painful details of my life. There were many, at any rate, so I shoulder my heavy thoughts and continue grimly. "Raze's Pack picked me up. Pity, that was all. As I grew up, I was bullied. Harassed. Pranked. All to the point where I cursed my mother fiercely for having borne me into this life."
So when I was four, I left the Pack.
My wolf howled in fury before I forced it to subside into reluctant submission.
"I'd grown up as half wolf, of course, so my aging process was greatly fast-forwarded," I tell the startled she-wolf. "I could be ten at that time in terms of maturity."
Searching for a year brought me bountiful information. I-
I faltered as I shifted. "When I finally found my parents, they were kind and understanding, up to the point where I was extremely-"
Suspicious. One night I was awakened by the creak of floorboards outside my room and I opened the door to see my father standing there with a knife.
"Immediately, I shifted, for my wolf hurled itself out, and..."
I faltered before I managed to speak again.
"I killed him. I enjoyed killing him. And then I ripped apart my mother. I loved every second of it."
So I lost my story and then got it back and now my phone is broken. And I completely forgot the plot so bear with me and point out any mistakes! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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