Oh My Wolf

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A shocked silence greets me as I step back and let my former Alpha fall to the ground.

How had I done that?

Suddenly, I am filled with the urge to flee as Maria crouches in front of me.


As one, the wolves in my pack bow to me. "Alpha."

Oh my.



What the heck do I do?

You address them as an Alpha. Lift up your chin.

Okay. As a grudging thought, I add, Thanks. After all, without my wolf, I'd pretty much be lying on the ground, bleeding my life out. Like I did to my Alpha.

I shiver involuntarily, then gather my courage. "Hi."

Wow. I am so good at this.

"My name is-"

You're Alpha to them. Do not tell your name.

"-I-is unknown to most of you," I stammer. "But it doesn't matter. I wish for peace, respect, and kinship in this pack. I-"

"Enemy! Enemy attack!"

What is wrong with my life?

"I am telling every one of you not to panic but to kill as many wolves as you can. Take prisoners only if you are certain we are winning."

Nice save.

Wow, really? Thank you!

Now, are you letting me take over your wolf, or what?

Ugh, fine!

With that brief exchange, I turn into a wolf - since I've already shifted, it doesn't hurt nearly as much and it is almost instantaneous - and howl to my pack. Acknowledging my orders, they bow again and change into their wolves.

A beautiful harmony of red, brown, and grey colors shine at me and I am awestruck.

Get on with it!

Hang on- how many members do we have?

Let me sniff.

After a few moments, she responds, We have around a thousand girls and two hundred boys here at the moment. There are possibly five times more in the territory, if my nose is right.

Wait. What? I've been here for eight years and I've only seen three hundred! What the heck?!

Alpha, let us go, says a graceful tone. I smile at the gentle reminder and howl again. We must fight as one! If any is in trouble, we help! Get into ranks of ten people- er, wolves, and ten columns like that, clear?

Yes, Alpha! came the barks of my pack. I take a deep breath and add, I know we haven't much time, but I want to make this clear. I've only been Alpha for like, two minutes, and I haven't gotten to know you all yet. But I hope you understand that I would die for every one of you.

Thank you, Alpha!

Now, I bark. Let us fight!

They are ready in five minutes. The wolf who had warned us was thirty miles away; that's how far our territory stretched?



Anyway... I take my position at the head of the column, and they part to let me through.

They're here! a cry comes. A bloodied wolf stumbles into the group and I tense my muscles before realizing her scent to be of our territory.

What is your name?


Go to the back. One column break off and care for her!

Yes, Alpha!

Before I can say anything else - or think? - the first wave comes crashing in.

I am lashing out at whatever enemy scent I can smell. My wolf guides me until- I break off from the fighting and see a black wolf staring at me. From the sounds around me, I can tell my pack mates are winning, but I've no time to think about that because-





Hi Guys! Sorry! First werewolf story! I'm trying... Please don't hate... Also, if you've got any advice, don't be afraid to say it :D Finally, this is NOT gonna be cliche. Don't worry :D

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