Chapter 16: Christmas Eve

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I rested my head on Meek's chest. I gently rubbed my 1 month old pregnant stomach, "Hey momma's bugga! Happy Christmas Eve!! This time next year I will be holding you in my arms!" I whisper-yelled. The baby is way too young to have developed any legs or anything like that so he/she can't kick. I'm pretty sure its a boy because you can see a very small point in the center, which usually means its a baby boy. I got knocked out of my thoughts when Meek gently patted my stomach. I looked up at him and pecked his lips, "Morning Rihmeek, Happy Christmas eve.." I said "Good Morning gorgeous, same to you too." he said back.

I laid my head back down and let Meek stroke my hair. I kissed his tatted neck and got some more sleep.

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Me and Nicki stepped out the shower and dried off our bodies. She rubbed the cream all over her body and put on her bra and thong. I put my under pants on and went to the closet to change. I put on a grey t shirt, black baller shorts and some socks. I'ma save the festive shit for tomorrow. The squad was coming over today and tomorrow. I sprayed on a little bit of cologne and brushed my waves.

After I had finished everything, I went downstairs and watched some TV while I was waiting for my Baby.

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I put on a white vest crop top, grey weatpants and some white ankle socks. I'ma save all the festive things for tomorrow like meek. My hair was still curly from last night. I sprayed some perfume on and I put my earrings on and ran downstairs to where meek was at. I straddled him and rested his big head on my breasts, "Wassup Ni-" Sherika got cut off by the fact that I was straddling meek and his head was on my fun bagz, "What can't he rest his big ass head there?" I joked.

"Hey nic" Tak and pmon said, "Hey nika" said chino. I hugged the girls and sat next to Meek. I sat back and rubbed my barely noticable baby bump.

"Nicki you been rubbing yo belly ever since he got here now tell us what is happening. Meek rubbed my belly and gave me the -You-know-you-wanna-tell-them- look. I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm 1 month pregnant" I chuckled as I saw Pmon, Tak and chino's eyes widen. I walked over to all of them and pushed their heads back wards. Meek and the girls laughed, "Congrats ya'll" said Tak, "Congrats" said Chino, "Damn nic you knocked my head real hard tho" Chino spoke again, "Aww a lil meek running around!" Pmon said.

"How u know its a boy?" I asked excitedly, "1, because yo belly is kinda pointy. 2, because I can imagine a Meek Jr running around with hella swag" He said. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I went to Sherika and the girls and sat next to them.

"So what do ya'll want the baby to be?" Asked Sherika and Candi, "A boy!" I squealed. They all laughed at me as I rubbed my barely visible baby bump, "Now ion know why ya'll laughing.." I began, "What do you want your lil boy to look like?" Asked thembi, "Well... the baby will come in its on handsome or beautiful looks. But if if was my choice I would want it to have hair like Meek's, big, shiny eyes and I want him/her to have swag like they're momma and daddy" I waffled on.

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"Thanks baby" I said to Nicki as she handed me a plate of my food. We all sat and ate, "Thanks Nika" said the boys, "Thank you midget" said the girls. Nicki walked over to them, "I may be pregnant, but I can still kick ass.." they stayed silent as nicki spoke again, "What I thought.." nicki said, "Damn Nic this food is dope" Pmon said, "Thanks" she replied.

5 hours later....

The squad just left and Me and Nicki are cuddled up in bed. We just came out the shower. I rubbed her back slowly as she embraced my Calvin Klein cologne. The wedding is planned, but now all we have to do is buy the clothes and thats it. I can't wait until the day that I can call Nicki..

Mrs Williams.

I love her with all my heart and that night I met her, I thought she was just one of your normal lifeless bitches, but instead of that, I got the most beautiful, sexy, smart, loving, funny, caring and forgiving girl I could ever wish for. There are so much more words I could use for this beautiful woman, but those ones describe her the most.

I can just imagine us walking along the beach with our child, just as a family. I can imagine him graduating and maybe becoming a rapper like me and nicki.

I came back to reality and noticed Nicki yelling my name, "RIHMEEEEK!!" She yelled, "Yeah yeah baby" I said back, "What u thinkin bout?" She asked, "Me, you, the baby and its future and of course how much I love you" I said honestly, "Aww babyyy! Night i'm gonna sleep now" she said. Her minty breath smell travelled through my nose, "Ok baby, night I love you" I said, "I love you too"


Who's ready for the AEOY video?!!
I'm still waiting for Onika & Rihmeek to release it.
They killin' me guys.


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