Chapter 42: A little walk

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|This is gonna be a little shorter than normal.. but enjoy!|

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After I finished dressing Aaliyah in her clothes, I made sure her baby bag was packed.

"Rihmeek?!" ... "Yea baby?" He replied, "Is the stroller downstairs?" He nodded his head.

"Ayee! Got my lil princess swagged out already," He said while looking at her cute little outfit. He brought it for her.

It was a pink short sleeved baby suit which said "Daddy's Angel" with a little tiara engraved under it. She was also wearing some pint sized pumas and a little bow in her hair.

I was wearing a grey flowy sundress, ted baker sandals and the rollie watch that Rihmeek brought me yesterday. My hair was straight like always. For a person who just gave birth, I was looking really well.

"Yeah but lets go baby"

We was going out for a walk because Liyah needs to get some fresh air. I held her up close against me and let Rihmeek hold her baby bag.

Aaliyah: mmm *reaches for nicki's breasts*

Nicki: Okay babygirl wait till we get outside because mommy has to give you bottle instead.

I pumped my milk this morning into the bottle, but in emergencies we would have to use hot milk for her instead.

"Here baby," I gave Aaliyah to Rihmeek so I could push the stroller.

"You remember how to feed her, remember?" ... "Yeah of course nic I got this baby."

I tossed my hair to the side and watched as Meek held her carefully in the blanket while feeding her.

Aaliyah: mmm *slurps*

Meek: See? Daddy got you..

Nicki: ya'll too cute

I said while pushing the stroller. I could get used to this new life. I felt lime my life was gonna be forever happy now. Yeah yeah I know. Aaliyah is only 3 days old but she really has cheered me up for these past few days.. just seeing her face and seeing her happy is what warmed my heart the most.

Aaliyah: *pushes the bottle away* *reaches for Nicki*

I stopped strolling along and took her from Meek. I slowly placed Liyah in her bright pink stroller and tossed the blanket over her.

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This family life is really enjoyable. I was happy as hell when Nicki was pregnant but now i'm over the moon because my firstborn is here.

"Oh yeah baby?" She looked over at me, "Yes beautiful?"
"Remember her birth certificate is coming today and I thought it'd be nice if we got her a little frame" She said. We were finally in the park. It was huge and peaceful. I sat on the bench and Nicki put the brakes on Aaliyah's stroller.

"Yeah sure," she smiled and pecked my lips.

Aaliyah: AHHHHHH!!!!!

Nicki: okok mami we're here! *takes her out and bounces liyah on her lap*

Meek: Looks like lil mama missed her sexy ass mommy..

Nicki: *playfully hits him* stahp!

Aaliyah: *fusses*

Nicki: what's wrong pookie? You want food?

Aaliyah: ahyaaa!!

We laughed, "Baby could you get the baby food in the bag please?" I rummaged through the bag until a found a full jar of baby food.

"Here you go baby" she pecked my lips and cleaned her hands with the antibacterial liquid.

Nicki: here comes the plain!! Pshhhh

Aaliyah: *giggles and opens wide*

Meek: *gets another phone call* *Looks at nicki for approval*

She looks back at me and nods her head. I pecked Aaliyah's forehead and kissed Nicki's lips.

~ Yo who this is?

Tak. Wassup?

~ With liyah and Nicki.. you?

Rika is asleep and I'm feeding Nae

~ Man this new life is literally the best like... words can't describe.

Yeah man I feel you. Well lil mrs right here is getting tired but I catch up with u later. Send Nicki and Aaliyah my love

~ Same to Shanae and Rika..

Yeah I will. Bye

~ Bye

I hung up and walked back over to Aaliyah, who was laying on Nicki's chest with her arm sprawled over Nicki's breast. She was staring up at her while sucking on her pacifier.

Aaliyah: *grabs the dummy and throws it in the stroller*

Nicki: no baby don't that princess. What's the matter pookie?

Aaliyah: *starts to spit up*

I grabbed the baby cloth and put it on my shoulder so she could dribble on that.

Rihmeek: man I'm blessed

Nicki: yea we know.. don't we babygirl? *cooing to liyah*

Aaliyah: *gurgles and spits up a little bit more* ayaaaa!

Nicki: okay baby lets go now.. looks like she misses home *laughs a little*

Rihmeek: *puts liyah into the stroller and laughs with Nicki* Yea cmon lets go.

Nicki: No I wanna push it!

Rihmeek: no baby you done enough

Nicki: ughh! Fine. Love you baby

Rihmeek: love you more

As we start to exit the park, Aaliyah starts crying again.

"What's the matter mama?" She reached out for the dummy.

"Nono baby! Here let daddy clean off your hands first," I gave him the baby wipes so he could wipe her hands. Because she had been touching the bench so ion want her to put her hands in her mouth yet.

"There you go mama!" Meek pecked her forehead and we watched as she sucked on her pacifier peacefully.


Until we meet againnnnn....

Aaliyah's stroller and outfit is in the media.


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