Chapter 31: Unexpected

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Where has Nicki gone? What makes it worse is that she's pregnant and she ain't got no man to keep her safe. I took a left turn and went into 6th gear. I need to know where she is and why she ain't tell me before. If anything happened to her and our daughter I would kill myself.

Maybe I should call Sherika. What if they are with eachother and Tak, Pmon and chino don't know. What have we done?

I left my herd of thoughts and honked my horn at some random ass nigga. Is his pussy ass tryna die?! My mind was still overflowed with endless thoughts. I stopped at a red light and dialed Candi's phone number. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

- Meek?

Yea. Hey candi

- Um hey. What you want?

Is Nicki with you?

- *stutters* umm.. no.

You sure?

- Yeah.

Hmm. Bye candi

She didn't say it back tho. She was acting real weird in that call. I hope she ain't lying. I took a left turn and parked my car right beside a beach. Its where I come to calm my self, to think or just to relax. I walked around the empty sand. The intense sound of waves crashing filled my ears.

WHY would she just leave like that?

WHO is she with?

WHERE is she?

What pained me the most is that I didn't have the answer for any of my questions. At all. To know that she could be hurt right now just makes my heart shatter.

Suddenly, I thought back to a while ago.


"Oh hey Rika" I said, "Hey Nika. I got some bad news for you.." I sighed. This realy isn't what I need right now, "What is it?" She hesitated, and I saw she was choosing her words carefully.

"Jelani called. He said that the hoe been fucking up.." she said, "How?" I asked, "Tyrone told me that hella people died." My jaw dropped, "Who died?" I asked, "Tyreece and his wife, their kids and Tyreece's grandparents." Tyreece was like my older brother. Tak, Tyreece and Tyrone always used to treat me like a baby sister to them, "Who killed them?" Tak asked, "That hoe" she replied.

"We need to go to Queens" I said, "No you ain't going to Queens, especially when ya'll pregnant"


NO. I know damn well that she ain't drag her pregnant ass to Queens. She knows how much her and our daughter mean to me and she just took off like that? I need to get to Queens before andy dumb shit happens.

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I stroked Caiah's hair as he remained the same. He's in a coma. Jelani was pacing back and forth and my girls were on the other side of the hospital bed.

I was really scared when I heard Candi speaking to Meek. Luckily, she is that ride or die type of friend which is why I love her so much.

"Caiah please.. stay strong for me baby," I said as I rubbed his cold, soft hands, "Come on lil bro.. hang in there," Jelani says. Sherika and my girls started to pray.

Me and rika sat down first. Jelani prayed.

"Dear lord, we ask you to bring our dear little brother through this coma. Keep him in your hands lord. Guide him through. We pray that he will wake out of his deep slumber and be with us again. In jesus name, Amen," ... "Amen." We all say. I took a seat next to rika and we sat in silence.

The doctor emerged from the thin double hospital doors with a clipboard.

"Okay well we're gonna need you guys to exit the room for now. We need to run some tests on him and we'll tell you when you can come back in,"

Without putting up a fight, we all walked out the room leaving about 4 doctors in his room.

I flopped lazily onto the chair and rubbed my belly. My daughter is the only thing that can calm me down right now. Even though she hasn't been born yet, just knowing that she's still connected to me made me smile at all times.

"Hey babygirl, you good mami?" I sat patiently, waiting for a "reply". Suddenly, I felt her kicking slightly. Awwww! I actually cannot wait until she's born. I'ma be all over her like syrup on a damn pancake!

"Nicki.. Meek is calling," my heart beat suddenly sped up as sweat ran down either sides of my hair.

I can't talk to him.

What will he say?


After a minute of thinking time, I sat back up in my seat and rested my head on Jelani's shoulder.

"Lani?" ... "Yes nika?" He asked, "I miss mommy and daddy.." I could tell that Jelani missed them too, but he always thinks that he needs to hide his feelings. I understand that he's the older brother and he's supposed to keep us as his first priority, but that doesn't mean he should hide hi feelings.

"I miss them too sis," tears left my eyes onto his white shirt. I was in a fit of tears. Aaron is finna die. I'ma make sure. I will have my nigga's run up on him. His ass better be lucky that I'm pregnant right now. If it wasn't for my husband and my unborn daughter, his ass would have been dead the moment I stepped off of the Private Jet.

"Can't it wait?" I said, referring to the fact that Meek called.
"No nic he's getting impatient.." I sighed and took the phone from her hand. I took a deep breath and spoke up.

~ Hey baby..

Nahh nic none of that. Where you at? Don't lie either

~ I just went to visit Thembi..

No I know you didn't nic. Don't lie.

~ Meek..

Onika just tell me where tf you are!

I couldn't take his anger so I hung up and handed the phone back to Thembi, who was sitting beside me.

"What'd he say?" ... "He kept on asking me where I was and then the last time he asked he yelled and I was already upset so I hung up.." I said as a forbidden tear escaped my eye, "Nicki.. don't you think he would figured it out by now?"

Maybe he did figure it out. Maybe he was just testing me to see if I would lie. Well I did lie. I didn't want to but I had to. Sadly, thats just how life is and I can't change the fact that he might be here, ready to shower my ass with 101 questions.. but I deserve it for lying.. right?

"Nika!" I got knocked outta my thoughts by Candi who was waving her hand in my face.
"Yea. Sorry" she nodded, "as I was saying... don't you think he would have figured it out by now?" ... "I don't kn-"

The hospital entrance opened. I locked is with none other than...


Oops! Lil cliffhanger going on there lol.

I cannot believe that TPPT is over! It seems like the tour only started yesterday and now its finished :(
I'ma miss seeing Momma Nika devouring Sexy Chocolate's bottom lip lmao. Such an iconic, amazing tour. So glad that Dej, Tinashe and Rae sremmurd was part of this. Lets not forget sexy chocolate either and lil miss caramel. KING & QUEEN.


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