Chapter 11: Izzy's Second day, Magic and Mianitees

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Izzy woke up early, the sunlight breaking through the curtains had woken her up. Yawning, she looked around the dorm. Autumn and Alee were still fast asleep. She looked at the time; it was early in the morning, she wouldn't have to think about getting ready for another half hour at least. Izzy got up and walked to the window. Outside her window was a huge tree, with some kind of house built into it. Izzy stared at it for a while, it seemed familiar. But where had she seen it? Sighing, Izzy got up, for dressed into her uniform consisting of a navy blue blazer, white shirt, black skirt and socks and tie to match her goddess, Ianite.

First lesson of the day: History of the Realm with Jeriah. Interesting, Izzy thought, she was a bit of a history nerd. However, whilst the lesson was interesting, she was more interested in the beauty of the building, all arcs and pillars and fancy shapes. It was incredible.

izzy's next lesson was Magic, and this was the one she had to choose. All the types of magic seemed amazing, and she would've like to learn them all, but she was only able to choose one. She had thought long and hard about what she wanted to do. She walked into the Wizardry classroom, taught by FyreUk.

"Greetings class, welcome to Wizarding! I'm Killer Tom"
"I'm iFirez"
"And I'm BruteAlmighty. We'd like you, for this lesson, to show us what you can do before we decide upon who is legible for this course."
Izzy gasped. She had not been told about that part. Still, determination shone in her eyes, and she put everything she knew into her build. She used 3D detailing, arcs and pillars as well as all her knowledge of WorldEdit. In the End, She had a beautiful Gothic-style treehouse, not dissimilar to the one she had seen this morning. The Wizards came around, assessing each build. When they reached Izzy, however, try stopped in their tracks. Killer Tom flew up to the top to get a better view.
"You used WorldEdit?" he said.
"Yes" Izzy replied.
The Wizards looked at each other and nodded.
"Class dismissed"

As Izzy was leaving she saw Autumn and Alee. "Wait up guys!" she yelled after them before running to keep up. Until...
Ouch! She had tripped up, sending her books flying in all directions. Turning around she saw a Mianite girl standing proud and arrogant, with a sinister smile etched across her face. "It's bad manners to shout, Ianite idiot."
"As if I need to be taught manners by a Mianite Moron" Izzy spat back.
The Mianite girl seemed taken aback. "You don't want to be messing with me, nerd, this isn't over." she said before stalking away. Izzy watched her leave before hurrying to her next class.

Her next class, as it happens, was pranking with Tom Syndicate, or Syndi. And it was very brief. So Izzy moved onto her next lesson, Tool forging with Mot. In this class, she learnt how to make the most powerful weapons, as well as adding certain items to them to make them more powerful. Lunch followed, to which Izzy got there early, and was able to get first pickings on the food. She was just staring her meal when she was joined by Edward, who sat down next to her. "Hi" he said.
"Hello" Izzy said through a mouthful of food.
"How were your first lessons?" he asked, taking a bite from his steak.
"Amazing! Wizarding was so cool, I was able to build whatever I wanted, and then tool forging was amazing too!"
"Wow, sounds pretty good. I'll see you later I guess" and Edward left.

Izzy's last class was Fighting and Self Defence with Farmer Steve. Or right-rumbling, as he called it.
"Right, ya dingoes, I will put you in pairs" he said and numbered everyone up. Izzy turned to see who her partner was, and gasped. It was the Mianite girl who had tripped her up!
"Right, on the count of three, you shall attack your partner. One..."
Izzy gulped, her heart pounding.
Sweat started running down her face. Her opponent sneered.
The Mianite girl lunged for her. Izzy, terrified, jumped out of the way just in time for the Mianite girl staggered and lost balance. Jumping high Izzy landed a smack right on the other girls jaw, knocking her out with the force of the punch against the stone floor. She barely saw as Alee fell unconscious to the ground...

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