Chapter 47:Edwards Evacuation to Urulu; The storm before a hurricane.

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Thursday morning. It was storming outside . The rain drops pummeled the glass as the thunderclaps echoed like cannons in battle, a sound that I would learn all too well. The weather was exactly what you would expect on a gloomy day like this. Three days had past since Sunday and the infection of taint in the Dianite dorms. We had hoped for it all to be fine. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

When I woke up I knew immediately that something was wrong. It wasnt purple. Not yet at least. But I felt like something was out of place. I put on a Jacket that boasted the logo of Ianites Navy , an anchor and set of scales with an eagle atop of them with "for Balance and Justice " in its beak, and a pair of jeans. For some reason I did not think we would need our uniforms today . It was early, yet everyone was awake. The gods had called a meeting in the Dine -at-Nite. Everyone was there, some of them in uniform, some in casual clothes like me, and some still in their pajamas.

The gods appeared . They both didn't seem happy. They both looked pretty angry in fact, and there was a... Tension between them.
" Everyone," Mianite began," we called you here to inform you of some bad new." Everyone in the room woke up at that. Nobody liked hearing bad news.
" Yes," Dianite continued, " me and my brother. Well we have discovered that the taint situation has gotten.. How do I say... Out of hand."

Mianite cut in " we have decided that it would be best for us to evacuate you all to the nearby town of Urulu while we get this taint under hand." This was followed by whispering and groans.

" Silence! " Dianite called. The room fell silent. " it would be in your best interest to pack your belongings. We will start the evacuation in an hour. You will all do your best to be there at that time unless you would like to be left behind." With that we were dismissed.

I entered my room and started to pack what was important. My Thaumcraft supplies and clothes. My scythe I always had with me so that was no problem. A couple books and an old powder horn that my grandfather had gave me when I was young. With that and my toothbrush I was ready. I waited the thirty minutes left and headed to the main entrance. The three statues of the gods stood high and mighty against the gloomy rain cast sky. The gods arrived and we were all placed on flying busses and we were off. I spent my time on the bus talking to Izzy and my friends and telling them about how Autumn had made me chop off her arm. How she fought with broken mirrors and how she could heal herself with string. They were shocked. It was funny their reactions to that one. I turned to Autumn and asked if she had thrown out that fruit punch. She said yes a little too quickly. Was it me or did she place a tighter grip in her mirror when I said that. I decided to disregard the deal and thought nothing of it. We arrived at a huge town in the desert with towering buildings. I noticed that around the town there was tent camps that housed what seemed to be blue and red soldiers. We landed outside the city and followed the gods in. Both the blue and red soldiers stood at attention when Mianite and Dianite showed up. They held their muskets at present arms and made a path through the city towards a building where I presumed we would be staying.

We arrived at the building and I had been right. We were staying there. I got into the took they assigned me and dropped my stuff. It was a plain room with a window that allowed me to see most of the city. I unpacked and set up my Thaumcraft things. I knew we would be staying here for a while. When I had finished I walked through the city and talked to the soldiers. They mostly told me about how they had been fighting mobs in the Mob Wars and such. They did however tell me that Mainite and Dianite had apparently had an argument and they were all tense.

I noticed a group of soldiers from the Special Ianite land Corps. They were a special part of Ianites navy . Ianites navy was run by Admiral Spark Plug, Ianites husband. These boys were special land sailors. The best of the best. I talked to them for a couple hours and met one of them who looked very similar to me. It was strange. His name was Edwin and he was a Sargeant , but he was not much older than I was and I was surprised to find him serving. When I finished talking to these land sailors I thanked them for their time and went back to my room. It had been an eventful day and I hoped that tomorrow would be better....

Little did I know that tomorrow would be one of the worst days I would experience in my days.

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