Chapter 15: Ianite Purge Day

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Saturday. Four days since the begging of the semester. Day of the first purge. I woke up early that morning. As I had every day for the last week,but this time I was not alone. The entire Ianite house was up and buzzing about the purge. They were discussing tactics and strategies. Stratagy is good and all I thought, but it all goes to shit once the shit hits the fan. I left them too it . I exited the Ianite dorm and got something to eat. Then I headed for the smeltery. In the couple days that we had designed our weapons, they had been finished. We were to test them out today in the first purge. I went to my station and picked up my Scythe. It was balanced and light the way I had designed it to be . 'Perfect' I thought . I strapped my Scythe to my waist and walked out of the smeltery, greeting Mot as he entered. I started walking back to the Dine-at-Night with a new sort of cocky bravado. I felt confident with my weapon and so far I was the only person with a Scythe which just boosted my confidence. I got to the dine-at-night and ran into the passing Dianitees. "Hey, no hard feeling when you lose though right! " I called out smiling . They returned it with boos and jeers but they were all smiling. I caught the eye of their leader Jazlyn and wishes her luck. She would need it. I entered the dine at night and sat down , waiting for the gods to come. Slowly the dine at night filled . once everyone and their weapons was in the dine at night the gods appeared and explained the rules. They didn't have to though because we had all been waiting for the purge since the first day. When they finished their speech we were teleported to a dark a forest with three two paths. We decided to split up equally between the two paths and so when the horn sounded that is what we did, I split to the left and led the Ianitees against the Dianitees. I was determined to get revenge for Alee and I had Alyssa in my sights. Yelling on encouragement to our house I charged into the mass of Dianitees . I started fighting and looking for Alyssa . I had taken out two dianitees with my Scythe before I spotted her trademark red eyes. She was fighting Izzy and overpowering her easily. I quickly defeated the dianitee I was fighting and ran towards them ,blocking Alyssa's finishing strike . She lunged at me and I parried her blade.
"Go! Heal !" I yelled towards Izzy . She nodded and ran towards an area where there was little fighting. I focused on Alyssa. She had skill but I had a grudge ; making us pretty evenly matched . Her attacks were coming fast and hard. I blocked them, mostly, and came back with my own attacks. She was good with her long , thin blade and fast too. Unfortunately for her I was as well. She lunged forward trying to impale me, this was her downfall. The curved side of my Scythe caught her blade and disarmed her. I pushed her against a tree , my hand at her throat.
"This is for Alee ,Alyssa; no hard feelings right," I said and struck her down. Suddenly I heard a startling yell. I turned just in time to catch Jazlyns blade with the curve of my Scythe. Her larger sword gave her the advantage of weight and she pushed me back against a tree and swung. Already low on health and tired from the fight with Alyssa there was little I could do to block the strike that sent me into the light of respawn and back to the start of the forest where I had first entered. I opened my eyes in time to see the blue flash of a mianitee running off with our flags. Damn, I had been so focused on revenge that I had completely allowed an opening in our left flank to let the Mianitees through. I tried to run after him , or her I really didn't see thier face, but I was sore from respawn . I got there too late and heard the boom of the horn that signaled the end of the purge. The mianitees had won due to my foolish need for revenge. I would not allow it to happen again.


Izzy woke up early again, but this time it was on purpose. Today was the much awaited purge, the day when she was able to kick Mianite and Dianite ass and get away with it. Yes, today was important. She and other Ianitees had discussed tactics, however she believed that they should just try and defend there flag rather than attacking.

Izzy got out of bed and got dressed quickly before running down to Dine-at-nite for breakfast. On her way she approached a bunch of Dianitees, who laughed and shouted as she walked past.
"Haha look who it is boys!"
"Ianite Idiot!"
"Be prepared to lose Ianite Imbecile!"
Izzy turned around and shouted back
"Listen to your own advice Dianite Dickfaces, before your cockiness gets you killed!"
They shut up immediately.

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