Autumn: (Enter chapter name here)

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blah blah blah Jaz and Alyssa lead the army blah blah I'm supposed to kill people blah. After our roles were assigned everybody went nuts. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BAIT" Greg yelled.

"yeah it was a request from-" Iain was cut off by Eddie's hand.

"I HAVE TO WORK WITH LUCAS?" Eddie yelled/groaned in disappointment. I tuned everybody out and grabbed some of my blade string. I slid it across my fingers and didn't see and blood.

"Is my string still sharp?" I asked holding up my string for somebody to try. Everybody paused for a moment and looked at me, none of them wanted to accidentally kill themselves with my string. A couple seconds later everybody started going at it again.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO USE ME AS BAIT!?" Greg practically screamed. I just continued messing with my string. All was well in my peaceful little mind until I realized that I was working with others. OTHERS. I have to work with the soldier who already died once and a spastic kid who couldn't land a punch on me if he wanted to. Unlike everybody else I'm going to keep my opinions to myself. Time passed and finally we were dismissed. Since my blade string went dull I decided to go visit Justin and ask him to sharpen it for me.

.:Time skip brought to you by #Austin:.

"Justin? hellooo?" I yelled while knocking on the door to his base in the woods. I took a step back and watched Justin stumble out the front door.

"Sorry I was just trying to make a new potion and it got out of hand whoops..." Justin said as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. He was shirtless and looking into the base i could see glass vials and questionable substances all over the floor. Just for a moment I thought I could feel my heart coming back. Justin's smile is just so attrac- wait no stop this. After what felt like forever Justin moved out of the way and invited me inside.

"So what brings you here?" Justin asked trying to clean up. I mean he should probably put on a shirt but eh I don't mind.

"I was wondering if you could sharpen my blade string." As I said that I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. How could I all the sudden have feelings? I kept looking into his deep blue eyes as he looked into mine. The moment didn't end until he spoke up.

"Are you okay Autumn?" What is this feeling? Why does my heart flutter every time I hear his voice?

"I'm fine I just.... I just want do this." I leaned forward and kissed Justin. He was surprised at first but then he started kissing back. I put my hands on his chest and he gripped my waist, pulling me closer to him. The kiss started soft and then turned passionate, every movement felt like fireworks going off. When the kiss ended we didn't separate.

"When did you get your feelings back?" Justin asked looking into my eyes.

"I think I just got them back..." We kissed again but this kiss was shorter.

"I'm guessing you still need your blade sharpened." I pulled away from him.

"Yeah you guessed right." After handing Justin my string he ran off into another room. Justin came back after a couple minutes with my string.

"Here you go" He handed me the blade string.

"So... Are we a... a thing?" Justin was picking at his nails. I walked over to Justin and grabbed his hands.

"Only if you want us to be a thing." This time Justin leaned forward and kissed me.

"Alright I guess we are a thing." Justin said while smiling. We spent the rest of the day working on that potion Justin was trying to make. For once everything was at peace. I just wish I had told Justin that I was going to war in 2 weeks...


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