Chapter 2- New Friends

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Ok im doing it today because im bored soooo here! :D

The next day Sean wondered if Mark would come to school. He was very worried about him and wanted to see if he was ok. Mark got on the bus, and sat in a seat alone. Sean didnt want to bother him. Sean decided to follow him for the day to see what happens. After 3rd Period Sean found Mark and watched him. He tried going up the stairs but there were 3 guys. One of them yelled at him.

"Well look who it is! Mr.Gay. What? Are you going to try and hit on my or something?"

Sean was stunned by this. He thought they were just yelling. He looked at Mark, he had tears in his eyes. Sean headed over, but before he could, one of them lifted him by his collar and punched him square in the head. Mark was now trying to get away but couldnt. Sean quickly went over, He asked

"Ok, What the hell guys? Leave him alone. So what? Hes gay. Cool. That makes no difference of who he is."

The guy turned to Sean and pick him up by his collar, but before he punched, Sean kicked him in his spot and then threw him on the stairs. Sean grabbed Mark and they left for class.

It was now the end of the day. Sean was waiting for all the people to get on the bus, he was sitting alone at the time. Usually if you sit next to Sean, youre "Popular" Sean didnt think that. Sean thought if you sat next to him, you wanted to chat. But Mark was the next person on. He went in the back where he usually sits alone.

Sean was in front with the "Populars" One was talking to him but he focused his eyes on Mark, seeing if he was ok. The next guy to come on was the Bully. One of them, atleast. He went back with Mark just to pick on him. Mark just put his head in his hands and pretended he wasnt there. But he was poking him, Punching him, making fun of him, etc.

Sean looked up front at where he and some friends were sitting, but he got up and went back there. He could hear his friends in shock. They were all chatting and Sean knew. He went back there and clearly told the guy.

"So do you wanna be like your friend and get thrown out a moving bus window instead?"
The man looked at him laughing.

"Do it then" he replied

Sean didnt think of throwing him out a window. He notice the guy sticking his tounge out at Mark as if to make fun of him. Then Sean got the idea, Sean took his jaw and kneed it with his tounge still out. The guy screamed but not very loud. He immediatly went towards the front of the bus with some friends. Sean had sat next to Mark only to find out he was crying. Sean put a hand on him and he reacted by tensing up.

Sean thought How long has he been being bullied? I put my hand on him and he thought I was going to hurt him!
They came to Marks stop. Mark looked at him and said excuse me. Sean moved but got up as well.

"Im coming with you" Mark shrugged and they both got off.

Sean texted his mom to say he'll be home late. They walked in and the first thing Sean said was

"If you didnt know, Im Sean. Call me Jack"

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