Chapter 3- Learning Things

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I honestly dont know how long this will be but i want to write it forever omg. more chapters coming

At Marks house all they talked about was the bullies. And Sean wanted to know one thing and he asked

"How long have they been doing this?"

"Elementary school." Mark replied.

Sean was stunned. We're in highschool! This is bad...

Sean wanted to help Mark a lot. He didnt know what to do. The next day would be the last for them to pick on Mark and Sean knew it. The next day they sat on the bus together and chatted. Sean wanted to wait until they were at school to do this. Once they arrived at school Sean waited till they went up to Mark.

Sean stepped in front of Mark and yet again told them off. Sean thought they were done but one of them (The most muscular) went up to him, picked him up by his collar.

"This isnt over. Tomorrow, it will be."
Sean was terrified of what were to come.

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