Chapter 12- Audrey

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Sorry this took long, i was busy yesterday.

They had to do something. They love their daughter so much and they cant let her go like that.

Audrey's Point of view.
I dont know what happened. I was just waiting for my dads and the next thing I know, someone grabs me and throws me in a car. We continue driving and I watch, building by building go by. I soon feel a rag go over my face and I soon pass out.

I cant tell where I am but I look out the window and notice im in an old hotel. All im thinking is

'Why are they doing this, Why pick me, Where am I..'

I realize Im tied up and I start to cry. One of them I cant tell who it is. He has smooth black hair and hes muscular too. He hits me in the arm hard. And hes circling me.

Its too bright to see everything but my eyes focus on him. I look at him and He looks far to familiar. Shock fills my body. Its my dad, Mark, But its not my dad? His eyes were different and he would never do this to me or ever hit me. Mark is far too kind hearted to..

His eyes have a tint of red. Someone else walks in the room. I-its my other dad! Sean! But his eyes are different too. His eyes are green. I think to myself.

'Dad has blue eyes!'

I see him go behind me and hits me in the neck. Im sobbing now. I tell them
"Dads, why are you doing this?!"
They look at eachother and laugh. One of my dads, Sean, says this.
"Ha, im not your dad, kid. My name is Jack. Oh and him? He is Dark."

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