Chapter 8- Total Fear

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Sean gave the story to the investigator and he read it through. They had to make sure it was real. They went through cameras where they were, finger prints, Any kind of evidence.

--After finding everything--
They went to court. John was sentenced to life as well as Max but Felix only 5 months because they found out that he was telling the truth.

Felix, Sean, and Mark became quite good friends. They all started youtube together and Sean could walk again. They made all different kinds of videos. But after 3 Years and totally forgetting of being shot. The most scary thing they ever thought could happen, Happend.

Sean worried for this day. They have escaped. At the time Mark and Sean were dating for 3 years. Sean was about to propose in a few months. Seans plans were pretty much ruined at this point.

lThe- They- They know where we are, a- and where we go an-" Sean stuttered.

He turned to Mark, eyes filled with tears and hugged him. They were both scared. Mark went out and bought 2 guns, and some bulletproof stuff.

Sean wouldnt move. Mark was scared for him. He sat there on the couch with a blanket on. Hiding half his face watching TV to see any good news.

Mark was doing Ok, he was still scared and held a gun at all times. But at this point Sean is out of school and its summer. He keeps thinking to himself 'They know everything.' My school, Home, and whereabouts.

He was so scared, it made Mark want to kill John for putting Sean through this. Mark knew why Sean was scared, he was already shot once and was scared this time he might not wake up.

Mark was in the kitchen making food. He made some soup for Sean but he just took it and put it next to him. They had all blinds closed and sat no where near the windows.

About a week later, they relaxed, yet they shouldnt have.

Mark ordered Pizza and Sean started eating and talking a lot more. The doorbell rang and Sean got up to answer it.

He screamed at the top of his lungs. Mark jumped up quickly and grabbed the gun on the end table only to find out that there were 2, Very buff men (More than before) Pointing guns right at there foreheads...

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