Chapter 22- End :)

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--Audreys Pov--
No no no NO I do NOT want John here! Hes caused us so much damage! I told them about the texts and showed them. John looked afraid. He tells them

"Ok ya my brother took my phone and threatened stuff and-"

"Mr. Please we will get your side soon"

He shuts up. Its hard to tell them. I dont want to relive it. I finally get to tell them but I stutter a lot. Then they go to Johns side.

"So I was just dumped by her and my brother got my phone several times. He texted her these things so I went over to apologize but when she let me in that night we got in a fight because she didnt belive me so she threw me out the window!"

Total shock. No. THATS NOT IT. The doctor asked

"So what were the cuts on her leg and face?"

Finally, he cant lie about this.

"When she pushed me out she fell with me and the bushes cut her."

NO! The doctor nods and leaves the room before he can I scream.


He leaves and they want me to talk alone with John. No. Hes handcuffed to the chair but hes still dangerous. Everyone leaves the room but Sean waits RIGHT outside along with Mark. He talks

"I think I won."

His smile. So evil. Why?!?


"Youre lucky you lived, bitch!"

He starts laughing

"My plan was to kill you but you of coarse had to take the plunge with me."

I look around and notice a camera in the corner. I smile so hard and nod at it. I decide to give them more proof.


"Yep he told me to get revenge."


"Sure. Theyll never catch me. All the police around here are stupid"

"Like you?"

He stands up still handcuffed though.


I start laughing because I know hes screwed.


I stop laughing and look at the camera

"So is that enough proof for ya?"
They reply over a speaker

"Yep, Thanks Audrey."

Johns face goes from anger to sadness and hatred. A cop walks in

"Sir youre under arrest for attempted murder of Audrey Fischbatch and assault. Anything you do or say will be used against you in court..."

She rails on as she walks out with him. Sean and Mark walk in smiling and Sean says to me

"We've won this fight"

-------------10 years later--------------
--Audreys Pov--
I found out today by the prison nearby that John was put in a cell with John. Wow. Thats confusing. Lets tell you about my life while I was gone.
I met a great guy. Name? Mason. (Aha get it? Adam and Alesa? Hah)
I had a few concerns because ever since John I had trust issues but hes a super sweet guy.

We met in a cafe and started going out. I told him about my past and he still loved me. Later on he proposed. Im now a Dahlberg. His parents are sweet too. After the marrige I had some children of my own. 2 Girls and a boy. Sweet kids.

~Shelby- 12- Named after the cop who took john away.
~Hannah- 8- Named after my best friend
~Jack- 4- Named after my Seans channel.

Those are my kids. I swore a little before them but now I dont swear around them. Neither does Mason. We decided to make a promise not to but sometimes it slips like when we stub a toe or something. Mark and Sean continued their channels and im happy as could be with my husband and kids. John (Older) gets let out in a few years but Ive moved and so have my Dads.

Plus he wont be bothering us. Its such a good life now. Im far too happy. Our neighbors are amazing as well and every sunday we hang out. Some are Sofia, Jamie, Kailyn, Izzy, etc. We all love hanging out. My first daughter just started middle school, second daughter  is starting a channel for vlogs when she visits Sean and Mark. Our son is still young for anything. We all still go to vidcon because MY job is gaming too!

And I play with my dads and Mason along sometimes with Masons parents. We play minecraft with them alot. We live in a beautiful house in Ireland and my dads live not too far. Lets just say, my past compared to now is amazing. And lets hope it stays this way forever.

Ok! I think ill end it there! Who wants a sequel? Ill do a sequal if people want! I wont mind. ( Also Ideas pls) I hope you enjoyed! It was fun writing this! Again just say if you want a sequel! Thats it for now! Im out! :D -Rach

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