Chapter 10- Freedom

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sorry guys i was busy like all day but here it is!

John came bursting out the kitchen door only to find Max, Dead, and Mark pointing a pistol to his head while Sean was calling the police.

John started to tear up a little. The only reason was because they found out Max was his brother. Mark felt a little bad but yet again he almost got killed by him. Mark, still angry they took his boyfriend, told him to put his hands up. John listened and did. The next thing they hear are sirens all up and down the street.

The police show up and finally arrest him. Sean kisses Mark and thanks him for saving his life, again. After that they went home to find Felix freaking out and asking if they were ok and if he hurt them. No harm was done. Ok now its time for the cute part :3

Sean told Mark to get in his best suit and meet him outside in the car. Of course, Mark did so within about 3 minutes.

Mark didnt know what was happening so he just followed along. He kept asking Sean where he was going but he just kept telling him to shush. Mark gave up but they showed up to a really fancy restaurant. On tv was the first video they made together. Mark was still confused until Sean went down on one knee. Mark started to cry and Sean opened the case to a ring.

Mark screamed "Yes! yes!" They both hugged eachother with huge smiles while everyone there was clapping. It was amazing.

After they got married they decided to get a dog.

Seans idea yes "we should totally get a puppy it would be awesome."

"I dont know, theyre a lot of resposibility"

"Wait, even better..."

Mark stopped and looked at him. "You dont mean,"

Both Mark and Sean smiled and jumped in the car. And they came home with little 2 month old Audrey.


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