Chapter 5- Confession

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*Squeals* this one is gunna be cute

Sean went back into a coma a few hours after due to blood loss.

The doctors say just for maybe a day, but Mark couldnt wait a day, he needed to tell him. Tell him the thing.

After about a day and a half Mark got worried. Seans heartrate slowed every once and a while and now its slower than ever. The doctors were worried too but they kept reasurring Mark that its okay, when he knows its not.

Sean was still able to hear, but Mark didnt know that. Sean was slowly losing his hearing and he didnt know why. Mark had lost his train of thought.


It kept going. Before the doctors got in Mark held his hand.

"I love you." Is all he said.

After about a week Sean had woken up. He looked up at Mark and all he can remember is what he had said that night. Sean smiled.

"How long was I out?" He asked

Mark replied "A week and a few days"

Sean was in shock. He didnt know he was out for so long.

"They shot you and nearly hit an artery" Mark told him.

Sean was thanking god they missed it. Sean sat upwards, and his eyes started to weld with tears, then started to cry. Mark looked at him with tears and cried with him. Sean looked at Mark.
"I could hear the whole time, Mark."
He said "My hearing kind of blurred when the beep went off. I was scared and tried to scream yet it didnt work"

Mark looked down in embarassment of what he said. Sean knew it too. Sean looked at him.

"Mark, youre embarassed about what you said"

"Well ya, dont worry I was just scared an-"

Jack cut him off.

"Mark" There was a long pause.
"Mark, im bi"

Mark looked at him suprised.

"You never told anyone this. have you?"

"Not even my Parents."

Mark was sort of happy and was about to ask but Sean cut him off.

"Sean, Will yo- or- are you-"

Sean reached out his hand for Mark to hold and they held hands for a while.
Sean told him

"Its a confession ive hid for a while..."

Mark looked at him and just smiled. They started to make plans for the future, and which college to go to together. But Sean was called in to follow someone. The doctors said he cannot walk quite yet so they put him in a wheelchair. This man took him to a room with around 18 men. The man looked to Sean.

"Which ones look familiar?"

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