Chapter 17- Leave us.

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--Seans POV--
We had just jumped down, there were cops everywhere and we finally felt safe for once.

Then I hear Audrey scream. I turn and realize Theyre right behind us. All the cops looked confused because they Legitimately came out of nowhere. The cops put their guns up as Amber went up to one WITH A GUN She shot one of them.

One of the cops immeditatley shot back and shot her in the leg. I quick go over to Audrey and scream


I held her close. The cops were shocked when they found that Amber hadent moved and was smiling. Audrey screamed a scream so defening and filled with pain. I started to cry for her. She held her leg and was in such pain I couldnt stand it.

--Marks POV--
I looked at Audrey and told Sean to grab her and follow me. I had also grabbed Amber and we ran to the nearest mirror and shoved Amber into it. I told Sean to hold Audrey. I told Audrey while handing her a knife.

"You have to cut her in half. Just slide it across the mirror."

She listened and felt a slight pain in her stomach but not too much. She looked at me in confusion and Amber knew what was happening. She wasnt happy. I pulled Amber out of the mirror. Both halves. She was in 2 parts now. But 2 bodies. They looked at eachother in anger because they hated how I knew this.

I grabbed one of them and put their hand on Audrey. Audrey looked at me in fear as if I did something she hated. I looked at Jack and Dark and they took Amber with them. I punched Amber and Audrey didnt feel it. She seemed happy. I told her.

"They cant hurt you anymore. But they can hurt us. We're fine with that."

Audrey didnt like this. She grabbed Jack and tried to drag him into the mirror but he quick slapped her on the back of her head and Sean had about enough of that...

OK OK more chapters! gettin intense am i right??? :D

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