Chapter 20- Threats

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--Audreys PoV--
Oh god. I think to myself

Welcome to the annual 75th shit show.

Sean gets out and notices John. His face goes from being happy to hatred. I havent ever seen him this angry. He goes over and screams at him.

"Listin here ye little shit. You cheat on my daughter and come crawlin back? No. How about you run off to your mum and leave us alone."

He looks at me in terror as if saying help me. I wasnt going to do anything. I go up to him.

"You heard him. Leave."

He looked at me in shock and quickly ran down the driveway and to his house. I highfive Sean and we walk inside. I ask him.

"Wheres Mark?"

"Hes at starbucks for a bit. I have to pick him up round 2"

Its 1:30 right now. I was a little shaken up about what happened and if he'll come back.

--TIME SKIP TO 3:00 AM--
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing over and over. I look at the number and notice its Johns. I decide to text him.

"Give it UP already, we're done!"

He was typing. I think to myself

'Great I have to have a full out conversation at 3 am.'

All I see is that the text sent. I read it and all the blood in my body runs cold.

'Alright bitch, if i cant have you, i guess no one can! Id watch your back babe. xxx'

I throw my phone across the room and cry. The phone hit the wall with a loud Thud I think. Shit i probobly woke up my dads.

--Seans PoV--
I woke up to a loud thud and so did Mark. We both sat up and looked at eachother. We listened closley and heard crying. I told Mark to stay and I went in Audreys room.

"Audrey baby? What happened!"
She looked at me with fear.

"The text." she says while sniffling

She points a finger to the phone lying on the floor. I pick it up and read it. My eyes got big and filled with anger.

"Is this kid serious?! No one and i mean NO ONE will touch MY little girl."

She smiles a little. I decide to sit next to her to calm her down. I keep telling her.

"that kid wont get to you. Not if Mark and I are here."

She falls asleep on my chest a few minutes after and I cant move or ill wake her, so I soon fell asleep as well.

--Audreys PoV--
I wake up and see Sean next to me. Hes so nice, i was sobbing last night and I fell asleep within 3 minutes with him there. I decided to sneak out and make breakfeast for him. I snuck downstairs and started making Pancakes and some Bacon.

I finished up and I put 3 plates down and put some food down. I called.

"Dads! Come down here I have a surprise!"

I see Mark rubbing his eyes and coming down. After, Sean coming down and stretching. He yells

"I SMELL BACON" Soon after Mark yells


I laugh at this and we all sit down. Mark asks about last night. I tell him about the text and he hugs me.

"If he really thinks he can hurt you, He'd go through us."

Both of them flex and I giggle. My smile fades when I notice another text.

'Aww cute, you think your dads can protect you when I come. Good luck because I have a plan all set up. See you tonight, Audrey. xxx'


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