Chapter 18- Back to school!

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--Seans PoV--
HE SLAPPED MY DAUGHTER. IM DONE WITH THIS BITCH. I grabbed him by the waist and shoved him in the mirror. I grabbed the knife and sliced him in half. I ripped them out of the mirror and made one touch my shoulder. I had half evil in me.

The other I grabbed and I slapped him in the side of the face. Mark did the exact same with Dark. We put their arms behind their backs in a situation where it would hurt when the struggled and we handed them over to the police.

They gave us a dirty look and were taken away. We all headed home and hoped for the best. Audrey got to go back to school. She was the talk of the school and made some new friends. She also met a guy. He was nice, and handsome.

She liked him a lot.

--Audreys PoV--

The bell rang. I was at my locker until a had was put up against it. I saw it was him. His name? John.

It was a little weird and akward because of my past and a John shot my dad, but I thought nothing of it. He lifted my chin and kissed me. I didnt pull back because I enjoyed this. He stopped and smiled at me. With one question

"Will you be mine?"
with a huge smile on my face I replied


He decided to walk home with me I asked.

lDo you want to meet my Dads?"
He looked at me in confusion. I told him.

"My parents are both men."
He smiled and said he was fine with that. So we walked in. I yelled

"DAAAAADS IM HOOOOME! And with a guest!!"

"OHHHH REALLY?" They both hopped down smiling.

"Dads, this is my boyfriend, John."

Seans smile went down a little but shook his hand as did Mark. Mark asked

"Whats your full name?" He replies

"John Corder."
Sean thinks and immediatly stands in shock.

I look at him in confusion.

"Th-that was his na-name"
Still confused I turn to Mark who stared at John.

He asked politley.

"John who is your dad?" He replied

"Hes in jail for shooting someone I learned a few months ago."

I stood there in shock. I was holding his hand but I let go. I grabbed his arm.

"Follow me, We need to talk."

We sat in my room at my desk. I told him very bluntly.

"Your dad shot mine in high school."

He started to cry. I comforted him. He tried saying

"I-I-Ugh! Im-m So sor-ry"
I turned to him and hugged him.

"Its not your fault."

He looks up and stands up. He walks downstairs to my Dads on the couch. He sits on the chair infront of him, i sit next to him. He says very kindly

"Im so sorry, I did not know you were my dads victims. I have also learned that Audrey was kidnapped by him. I hate what he did. But I do love your daughter and wouldnt hurt her at all. Please dont see me differently from anyone else."

He started to cry. Sean walked over and kneeled to his level. He said to him.

"This was none of your doing. Your father was a sick, sick man but that does not mean you are. We will not see you differently and I will let you date Audrey. But keep her safe."

Awwwwwwwww :D

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