Chapter 6- Who are they?

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MORE OMG i love writing this.

Sean looked at one of the 18 people in there. He was 100% sure that he was the one who shot him.

He remembers because he looked him in the eye before he shot him. Sean points a shaky finger to him.

He learns that his name is John. He looks for the other two but cant determine which is which. Sean tells them that Mark was there and saw them.

The whole time the police thought Mark couldnt see and he couldnt help. They went into the room and asked mark to follow them and he did. Mark looks at one specifically. The one that told him he had a clear shot of Sean getting killed.

"Can you make him talk" Mark asked

They told the man to talk and he said his name and what today is. Mark looked at the investigator and nodded his head. They took him out in handcuffs. They learned his name was Max.

They had one more to choose. Mark and Sean both look at one. Felix. They remembered he didnt do much. But they did remember what he said before John shot Sean.

"You shouldnt do this, Why did you drag me here?"

Sean remembers those words and thought about how worried he seemed and how out of it along with how they yelled at him. 'Maybe he was forced to come.' Sean asked to talk to each one with Mark. They agreed.

They pointed out Felix and they took him out. They walked into a room with John. He was buff, and now looked even scarier after all that happend. When they walked in he looked guilty and angry. Sean asked him straight off.

"Do you have any idea what you have done? Attempted murder. Do you have anything to say?"

Mark looked surprised. The guy looked him in the eyes.

"One thing to say, Ill get you next time."

Sean looked at Mark shaking. Mark got up and told the guard to bring the other guy in. They brought in Max. Mark looked at him in disgust. Max just gave mark an evil smirk. Mark looked to him.

"Why are you such a sick person? You thought you would kill Sean and you made me watch. SICK!"

Sean looked at him as if saying Calm down.

"I enjoy watching others suffer." He replied
Sean looked absolutley stunned at this.


He thought to himself This guy is mentally ill, he has to be. Sean signalled the guard to bring in Felix.

Felix was crying, He was scared and confused. Sean almost felt bad for him. Mark doesnt remember what part he took in this. Sean looked at him.

"Were you forced to be there?"
With worry in his irish accent.

Through his tears he nodded slightly. Mark looked at him, his face from anger to sympathy. Sean gave him a pen and paper. All he said was

"Write it down. Everything."

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