Chapter 14- Confused

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--Audreys Pov--
I saw Mark walk in. My mind was all over thinking

TWO MARKS? Then it went even more insane when Sean walked in. Now both dads and whatever they were, were im the same room with me. Mark turns to "Dark" and starts saying terrible things to him. Same with Sean. Sean came over and pushed Amber to the side and untied me. All the sudden I fell to the side with a loud Thump

Sean was a little confused. Mark seemed like he knew who everyone was. Sean was shocked when he realized the "Amber" girl looked exactly like me. He knew it wasnt her though.

1: I was the one tied up

2: Her eyes, they werent mine...

But Sean picked his gun up, about to shoot Jack. Jack came a little more out of the shadows and Sean stood there in shock.


Jack chuckled and was about to walk away but Sean picked up his gun. I quickly reacted.

"DAD NO DONT" He looked over to me

"Why the hell not?!? He hurt you!"

"Dad, whatever pain he feels, you feel too."

He didnt believe me at first but after he went up and punched him in the chest, Sean fell over. He was shocked yet again. But I looked over to see Mark yelling at Dark to go back.

Dark disappeared and so did Jack. But one stayed behind and hit Sean and Mark. Sean was filled with rage and hit her in the head. I screamed because the pain hit me. He came over, guilty of what he did but I told him I was ok.

--Seans POV--
I hit the girl who looked like my daughter, hard, and she barley moved! Thats when I heard Audrey scream. I ran over saying that im so sorry and she said it was ok.

Audrey looked at Amber in disgust, but Amber went over, touched Audreys shoulder, and it was almost as if she evaporated into her. Mark realized how bad this was. Audrey looked up with one regular eye and one Red one. And said in an angry voice ive never heard her use with a sickening smile on her face

"Hi daddys..."

Srry shorter chapter.

Septiplier || Completed and EditedWhere stories live. Discover now