Chapter 11- Taken

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Sean and Mark stand there with tears in there eyes as they watch Audrey walk into kindergarten.

She hugs them both and goes to class. They stand there talking for a minute and then get in the car. They keep talking about how she grows up so fast. Once they get home they make themselves som lunch and then heads back off to get her. Mark thinks to himself this will be a daily thing and smiles.

A few years pass and they both have tears in there eyes again while watching Audrey go into middle school. She says "I love you! Ill be out at 3:00" They say it back and watch her walk in. They then leave. A few hours later they notice that its 2:40 and they head out to get her.

They have a certain spot where she gets picked up. And no one else goes there. Its under a pretty oak tree. When they get there its 3:00. They see all the kids going and they wait for Audrey. Minutes go by and they watch. Now 3:10 and all the kids are gone. No one in sight.

They start to worry so they go into the school and ask. Turns out the helper was super homophobic and barley even looked at them. But she called over the speaker and after 8 minutes no one came. They left and got in the car, they both started crying. They quickly sped home and called the police. Mark was hugging Sean as he called.

They had sent a search party for Audrey and one of them checked the Oak tree. There was a small note there with only one sentence.

I told you I would get you next time. -J

They gave the note to Sean and Mark. Total shock fills their bodies. They talk to the police and they say hes still in prison but he got to call someone yesterday. Mark and Sean think to themselves.

He called a hitman.

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