Chapter 9- Hostage

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Oooo getting creepyyyy

One of the two men went up to Sean and tied his hands together. Sean was in complete shock, he wouldnt move. Mark was still pointing his gun at John

"PUT HIM DOWN." Was all Mark said.

John ignored him, Mark was tearing up just thinking of his life without Sean. Sean was finally tied up. He kind of came back to reality and had realized what happend.

He tried to kick him but it didnt work. Before he knew it, He was knocked out with a huge punch from Max.

Mark stood there, now crying from fear, Loaded his gun. John looked at him, threw him to the ground, Took Sean, and left.

The last Mark saw was them throwing Sean in the back seat of their car. Mark needed to follow them. He ran to his car but with a different gun, A shotgun.

Mark followed them down the street and to an abandoned Hotel used years ago. Mark was right outside waiting for a right time. But then once they got out they saw Mark. Marks face completely drops. He gets his gun out and loads it. He gets out and sho-

He put the gun down, he saw Max with Sean, Sean of course, still unconscious, With a gun to his head.

Mark put down the gun and watched them run in the hotel. Mark followed behind unseen.

The next thing Sean sees is himself tied up in a chair in a dark room. He looks around and no one is there. Max walks out and yells "WELL RISE AND SHINE BOY, WE HAVE SOME REVENGE TO ATTEND TO."

Sean knew what that meant. He knew what that meant exactly. They want revenge because of Sean living and sending them off to prison. John walks in. He hits Sean hard on his back. 

Sean was scared and didnt know what to do. He noticed that Mark wasnt here nor saw him after he passed out. He thought of the worst but saw out the window his car was there. Sean notices John has been talking the whole time but he wasnt listening.

Sean looks around and notices 2 shadows under the door.

John notices too...

He storms out and goes face to face with a shotgun. John backs up a little and grabs the shotgun and flips Marks hand. John has the gun now.

Mark goes to throw a punch but John grabs his fist and ties up his arms. Sean sees this all and John takes him and ties him in a chair. John, Teasingly, put his gun behind Mark. But Mark knows exactly what to do.

Mark leans back, breaks the chair and almost grabbed it. Max started pulling his feet and drawing him away from the gun. But Mark jumps at it, and not even looking, points the gun behind him and shoots Max.

Right in the head.

Septiplier || Completed and EditedWhere stories live. Discover now