Chapter 16- Mark?

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--Seans POV--
I remember her laughing and staring into the mirror, mocking me, almost. I look over to Mark and his face is filled with worry. I turn back to Audrey looking down and quickly thrashing her head back up into the mirror, looking at herself.

She looks at me in the mirror and I notice her eyes are both blue! Theyre normal! My face perked up and I looked at Mark. I saw something behind him, touch him.

All I saw were dark red eyes and I knew what had happened. Mark fell to the ground and I watched as Dark took over. Dark stood up and saw a knife in the hallway. I noticed this and I went for it so he couldnt grab it. I got it but he quickly attacked me.

I was in the hallway at the time and Audrey was in another room. I remembered the number so I could get back to her.

"317, 317, 317."

Over and Over in my head. But the worst I could think, happened. Mark ran back and grabbed Audrey. Audrey was screaming and fighting while he pulled her by her hair to a window.

I ran after him. He just had an evil smile. I look out the window a little down and notice the police are outside and setting up a trampoline for her to fall on. He didnt notice and I kinda signaled her to look down and she winked at me.

I acted, I begged him to put her down. He was mocking me. He stood to the side almost like he was trying to let me have a better shot of her. Finally I gave up and ran at Audrey. I grabbed her sides as we fell to the trampoline.

We both laughed and I pushed the hair out of her face. I kissed her head and hugged her. The police came and escorted us off the thing. I looked up to see Dark. I saw the window close and didnt see him from there.

--Marks POV--
I knew exactly what happened. Its happened before and it was always scarier than the last. But this time it was different.

I was about to drop my Daughter out a window and this horrified me. I saw Sean throw her out the window and I was shocked. Dark looked down and relief took over. But Dark was pissed, steam could be shooting out his ears.

He slammed the window shut. He was looking through the window and he looked at his reflection. I thought to myself.


He looked at the window in shock because he didnt realize he did it. All the sudden I see my reflection and my eyes are brown again. I open the window and the trampoline is still there. I jump down.


Sean looks at me in horror but after he saw my eyes he relaxed. I go up to Audrey, still scared, and I kiss her forehead. She smiles. But all three of them show up. right Behind us...

YAY. longer chapter. 300 views?!? Wow thank you soO Much!!! :D More chapters coming for sure!!!

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