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Aurelia wakes around ten and shakes Harry's shoulders gently. She really has to pee and, if he doesn't wake up soon, there's a high chance that she will hurt herself trying to find the bathroom.

"Harry. Harry, please wake up."

Harry groans and rubs his eyes. The sun is high in the sky and a single bright ray manages to hit his eyes as he moves, "Hmm, what is it?"

Aurelia feels bad for waking him up, but she really needs to use the bathroom and she doesn't want to hurt herself or break something in the room that she didn't know was there.

"I really need to pee, but I don't know where it is and I don't want to hurt myself."

Harry yawns and rubs his eyes a second time because the sleep still lingers, "Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Hold on a second."

She feels bad that he has to help her because he sounds beyond tired and she really doubts that he slept on the plane. "I'm sorry."

Harry laughs lightly as he gets out of bed and makes his way over to Aurelia's side to help her. "No, no don't worry about it. I'm just a heavy sleeper and a slow riser."

Aurelia chews on her bottom lips because she really feels bad about waking him up just so she could use the bathroom. She wouldn't have had to if she could have managed to stay awake long enough for him to show her where the bathroom was the night before.

"Are you sure?"

Harry goes to the extent of helping her to the toilet, for which she's very grateful, "Positive. I'll be right outside the door. Just call me when you need me, okay?"

Aurelia nods and offers him a sleepy smile, "Okay, thank you."

It's not long before she's calling him and he's certainly much more awake when he walks in to help her back out. "Don't be sorry for asking me to help you, it isn't something you can help."

Aurelia sighs because she knows that she apologizes far too much for things that she can't control. It's become a habit because she really hates having to depend on people to do even the simplest of things.

"I know. I just feel really bad whenever it's someone who isn't one of my parents."

Harry laughs lightly because he thinks that it's adorable how worried she is about apologizing to everyone who helps her. "Aurelia, I really don't mind at all. Do you want to go back to bed or get ready for whatever adventure you have planned for today?"

"Get ready for the adventure that we have planned for today. Guess what?"

Harry laughs as he leads her back to the bed so she can sit down for a moment as he sifts through her clothes to find something for her to wear. "What?"

Aurelia grins and laughs at words she hasn't spoken yet, "You get to see my underwear and me in them! That must be exciting, or at least, so I've heard."

This time he laughs louder than he intends to because he wasn't expecting her to say that at all. He doesn't care about getting to see her in her underwear, even though the thought does have blood rising to his cheeks, he only cares about seeing her heart and capturing its love.

"Have I told you how funny you are yet?"

Aurelia's grin grows as she kicks her feet against the bed as if she's a child again, "No, but I'd like to think that I am. Thank you for confirming that."

Harry laughs again as he opens her suitcase, "Alright, is there anything specific the comedian would like to wear?"

Aurelia laughs with him and decides that it couldn't possibly hurt to give him free reign in choosing her clothing. "Well, I have no idea what's in there, so I suppose not. Just something that you think will be comfortable in this weather."

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now