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"That was interesting! Kind of wish I could see for that one though, since I never really knew what it was, but the tour was very informing!"

Harry chuckles lightly as they get on the stuffy little bus to head over to the Colosseum with Aurelia pressed closely to his side, "You weren't missing very much, but yes, you're very correct. How excited are you to see the Colosseum!?"

He already knows how excites she is, the woman is practically jumping out of her seat in anticipation with a huge smile on her face, but he asked anyway just to heat the excitement in her voice.

She's absolutely radiant and he's falling quickly and there's no possible way for him to find his way back to the top.

"Beyond excited! Oh, I can see it even though I can't! Are you excited!?"

Harry grins, "Oh yes, but certainly not as excited as you are. The tour guide really likes you."

For the last hour or so, Harry's noticed the tour guide looking at Aurelia like she wants her for herself. It's rather amusing and he has to hold in his laughter every time that he catches her staring.

Aurelia laughs, she can't see the woman, but what Harry's thinking is highly unlikely. Usually, she notices when people stare at her or look at her a lot. "She does not! She's just doing her job."

Harry turns his head to sneak a peek at the tour guide, who's explaining something about a shop to their left while glancing at Aurelia periodically.

"Oh, she definitely does. She's talking about shops, but she keeps looking at you like you'll look back. I don't think she's realized that you're blind yet."

Aurelia continues to laugh because he's being ridiculous. "Oh, please! You'd have to be a complete moron to not know that I'm blind by now! Every time we walk it's pretty evident because I'm asking you what everything looks like."

"You never know!"

"I'm rolling my blind eyes at you right now, just to let you know. But even if she didn't gather it from the glasses and our conversations, she has to at least think that we're dating or something because you're always holding my hand."

Harry falsely pouts. He's actually really enthralled that she brought up the topic of them looking like a couple. "What, you don't like me holding your hand?"

Aurelia laughs and pushes his arm, "I need you to walk me away from people and objects that I might break or that might break me. But yes, I do like you holding my hand, your hands are very nice, big, but nice."

"So you admit it: you like it when I hold your hand."

She actually loves it when he holds her hand. The way that he always makes it a point to lace their fingers together, the way that her small hand fits perfectly in his large one, how soft his hands are, and certainly how he squeezes her hand gently at random times, almost as if he's making sure that she's still there.

Aurelia smiles brightly, a light tint to her cheeks, "Don't push it Styles, I can, and I will use my cane."

Truthfully, she wouldn't, even if he upsets her because she's grown accustomed to having him right there instead of using her cane and sometimes ending up in a bit of trouble. He's her friend and he's a lifeline, even if he doesn't know it.

Harry shrugs his shoulders and laughs lightly, "Fair enough, but she does like you. I would even bet on it."

Aurelia grins, a nice proposition coming to mind, "Alright then, if she doesn't, you're buying dinner tonight."

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