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"I still find it odd that you're more like a girl than I am. Tanning is boring! Please take me into the water, so I don't have to lay here and roast in the sun with you."

Harry smiles at the sun, "Tanning is good. Lots of vitamin D and it's warm! Doesn't make me a girl for enjoying it."

Aurelia sighs, turns so that she's on her side and facing him, and resorts to pouting and nearly begging him, "Please?"

Harry peaks at her through his left eye and he can't resist the look that she's giving him, no matter how much he wants to just soak up the sun. Aurelia doesn't realize that he likes to tan because it's never really sunny, or warm for that matter, in England. He doesn't mind giving up laying in the sun for her though. After all, the sun will still be on him in the water.

"Alright, but only for your sake."

Aurelia beams and quickly stands up, "Thank you!"

Harry follows suit and takes her hand before she stands up on her toes and kisses his cheek. The sand between her toes feels wonderful and she wiggles her toes a little to enjoy the feeling a little more.

Harry grins and laces their fingers together, "I like it when you do that."

Aurelia blushes as they start walking toward the water, their hands entwined and filling the space between them, "Why's that?"

"Your lips are really soft and, I don't know, I just like it when you kiss my cheek. It's sweet."

Aurelia smiles as the cool water laps gently against her feet. She's glad that he likes it when she kisses him, even if they aren't exactly the kisses that he wants. "Could you watch for me? So I don't step on a sea urchin or anything?"

Harry likes how open he can be with Aurelia, even if it's about his feelings for her. Actually, he finds that it's easier to talk to her because she already knows. He's never nervous around her like he normally is around girls that he likes.

"Of course! Does that count for sharks too?"

He's joking, but Aurelia is actually terrified of sharks and she flinches slightly at the mention of them, "Yes, please. I'll scream if I feel something touch me."

She's not exaggerating.

Harry laughs loudly, the sound heavenly to her ears. "Really!? You're afraid of sharks?"

Aurelia nods shyly, "Yes, I don't know why, but it's just always been there."

Harry lightly swings their hands back and forth, the water's up to their ankles now, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Aurelia laughs because he's practically an expert at making her happy, "We'll see about that."

The water feels so nice against her skin and Harry's hand fits hers like a puzzle piece. Aurelia's elated that he decided to join her on her quest to run down her bucket list because being with him seemed to make everything just a little bit better.

He's so sweet and funny and he doesn't ever push her boundaries, he lets her make them and happily goes along with whatever she decides. He pays attention to the little things and he always asks when he wants to know something more.

Harry's her friend above anything else and Aurelia values that so much.

"Alright, this is taking too long."

Aurelia's confused and completely unaware of what he's about to do. She wants to do something, say something really, but she has no idea what he's planning and remains silent.

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now