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"Please tell me you at least know the history and that you don't just think it's some wall?" Aurelia asks as they walk over to the Berlin Wall.

She was tired of taking cabs that smelled weird and getting stuck in traffic for longer than necessary. So, earlier in the morning she insisted that they get some exercise and walk there instead.

Harry laughs and slightly leans into her, "Yes, I do know a few of its historical details. Which is weird considering that I didn't pay much attention in school, but you know, whatever works I guess."

Aurelia smiles in return. She loves it when he leans into her the way that he is now and she feels like she's on top of the world already. "Well, at least you learned something. It's weird to think that everything has a history, yet we only know of the ones that had this massive impact on society and we pay little attention to those that hold other history. It's actually quite depressing."

Harry thinks about what she says for a moment before deciding that he agrees with her, as usual. "You're absolutely right. Such a shame, really. At least I'll be able to hold on to the piece of history that you've created because, quite frankly, you're unforgettable. Plus, I kind of take pictures of you all the time. Sorry, I promise that I wasn't intending to be creepy or anything."

Of course she already knows that he takes pictures of her. She's known for a while now because he's not very secretive about it. She doesn't always hear the Polaroid spit out or the click of the shutter on his regular camera, hell, she can't hear his iPhone camera at all, but she still knows that he takes them.

Not once has she had the thought that it's creepy or intrusive. People take pictures of what they think is beautiful and that has never bothered her because it means that Harry thought that she was beautiful long before he actually told her so himself.

A smile tugs at the corners of her cherry painted lips, "Oh, I knew you did that. I haven't found it creepy yet, if that makes you feel better. It's quite endearing, actually."

If she could see the way that he looks at her in this moment, or in any moment really, her heart would leap from her chest, the butterflies in her stomach would be roused to a point of no return and would have her feeling giddy, and her lungs would struggle to pull in the oxygen that they need to survive.

Harry looks at her like there isn't anything else in the world that could capture his attention. There's such a look of light and pure adoration in his eyes and on his features that it makes the people who walk by take notice and become a little envious of the blind woman that holds this beautiful man's attention in such a manner.

His smile outshines the sun as he continues to look at her like she's the light of the world, "How did you know that I took them? Some more of your sixth sense, creepy magic stuff?"

Aurelia's face lights up like the City of Lights and the expression that she has reminds Harry of when they shared their second-first-kiss. "Okay, one, it isn't creepy. It's a natural thing. And second, yes, just because I'm blind doesn't mean that I can't hear the sounds that cameras make, Harry."

He feels a little stupid now because that makes so much sense now that he thinks about it. "Right. I don't know why I always forget that other senses heighten when one is lost. I wish that you could see them though. I don't mean to brag, but they are the best pictures that I've ever taken by far. They're also my favorites."

Aurelia's smile lifts at the edges, "I do too, but it's enough for me to remember when you took them, so I suppose that will just have to do. Are you going to keep them, even after I break your heart and you move on?"

Harry's smile drops considerably. He doesn't particularly like it when she brings up the fact that she's dying. But it does remind him that she is and to cherish the time that he spends with her, even if they're just lying on a hotel bed and enjoying the music that he plays from his phone.

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now