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"I feel like you're speeding."

Harry laughs and checks the speedometer for her sake, "Aurelia, for the third time, I'm not speeding. I promise."

"Hmm, maybe it's just because traffic isn't jammed like everywhere else we've been to so far."

The song that they sang together back in Egypt, Tear in my Heart, started to play from the radio and Aurelia grins, "Could you please turn the volume up?"

Harry notices the light tint in her cheeks and smiles, his dimples prominently on display, "Absolutely!"

Unlike the last time, they sing at the top of their lungs and dance like weirdos in their small rental car. Harry thinks that it's pure torture to have to keep his focus on the road and not on Aurelia and her bright smile and cute little dimple as she makes one of the best memories of her life.

As it works out, the song ends moment before they pull up to their destination: Pure Camping, the eco-friendly campground that Aurelia's been dying to go to. It takes them a while to find their campsite, but, even so, Aurelia is beyond enthralled.

"I really hope that you know how to set that tent up." Aurelia comments as she hears Harry struggling quite a bit with the tent poles. It sounds like he's tangled up between the poles themselves and the actual tent. She wants to laugh, but she manages to control herself enough to simply wear a massive grin.

Harry frowns as he looks at her and somehow he manages to keep the confidence in his voice, "I do, it just takes me a bit longer than the average person for some reason..."

Aurelia laughs because she already knows that he isn't very confident about it from that sounds that he's been making when he does something wrong, which he makes quite frequently. But he's still Harry and he's still cute in her eyes.

"You know; it comes with instructions. They might be helpful in your case."

Harry struggles with the poles some more as he mumbles, "A man doesn't need instructions to put up a tent."

Aurelia laughs as she swings her feet, they're dangling off of the bench that she's sitting on and she finds herself wondering if she's really that short or if the bench is just awkwardly tall. She decided that maybe it's both.

"I heard that you know. Just keep in mind that if you can't get it set up and we have to rent one of their tents, I will be very upset with you because you will have, in a sense, ruined this one thing on my bucket list. Actually, I'll probably cry because I'm upset and just to make you feel bad for messing up my dreams."

With that last comment, Harry really puts all of his effort into setting up their tent. Letting her down is not an option. It takes him around two hours, which Aurelia thinks is hilarious, but he does manage to get it set up properly.

Harry tries to pout, but her smile and her laugh are contagious and he ends up laughing with her, "Stop laughing! It's hard!"

Aurelia can't stop laughing and takes the opportunity to be immature for the first time in a long time, "That's what she said."

Harry's jaw drops and he stares at her with wide eyes. She really just said that to him. Aurelia, of all people, one of the very few people that he thought were completely well grounded and mature in nature, said the typical and overused dirty joke.


She only continues to laugh, "Oh, lighten up you big baby. It was just a joke. A very dumb one at that."

"Okay, I will admit, it was actually pretty funny to hear you say that. Which side of the tent would you prefer to sleep on? The usual, or are you feeling adventurous and switch to my usual side?"

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now