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"Aurelia, sweetheart, wake up." Harry wears a gentle smile as he lightly shakes her shoulder to wake her up. He absolutely hates to rouse her from her blissful dreams, but he has to use the bathroom and he's completely forgotten what hour of the day that their tour is scheduled for.

Aurelia groans and releases her hold on him, a yawn follows seconds later. "Why do you do this to me?"

She's asked in a light manner, but Harry knows that she's probably a tad bit irritated with how he seems to do this every morning. Which, is understandable on her side because her circadian rhythm is thrown off because she's blind so it's difficult for her to fall asleep sometimes.

Harry's stayed up with her many nights when she can't sleep, but he doesn't mind it because they sit and talk about life and whatever comes to mind, or they just enjoy the silence and the warmth of each other as they lay under the plush covers.

He smiles softly at how adorable she looks as she rubs the sleep from her eyes and another yawn takes hold of her. "I'm sorry sweetheart. If I could tell my body to ignore its normal functions so that I wouldn't bother your sleep, I definitely would."

Aurelia can't stay irritated at him for long and the moment that his soft, warm lips meet her forehead, she's already gotten over it. She really isn't a morning person so, when he wakes her up like he does, it's quite bothersome. Sleeping is a relief once her mind finally quiets and her brain decides to accept the fact that it's night. Unfortunately, it takes hours for that sleep to happen and she wakes up more frequently than she'd like to.

It's too bad for her that Harry knows what time of the day it is indefinitely and he always manages to wake her up around the same time because his bladder needs to be relieved.

By the time that he returns, she's barely half awake and mumbling for him to hurry up so that she can drift off while cuddling him, and something about him being annoying which has him chuckling lightly as he crawls back into bed with her.

He loves her so much, even when she's in her grumpy morning mood.

Aurelia hums light once he's situated so that she can cuddle him. He likes to be the little spoon as much as she does and the mornings are perfect for him for this reason among many others.

Harry lets his fingers tangle in her soft hair, she loves it when he does that even if she's half asleep. And Harry loves running his fingers through her hair because it's very calming and just a nice little thing to do in order to pass time.

As they lay there, the way that his chest rises and falls with each breath that he takes brings Aurelia close to sleep so quickly that it's almost unreal.

And then he goes and ruins it.


Aurelia groans in annoyance, if he's going to keep disturbing her sleep she's going to have to get a separate hotel room. "What is it now, Harry? I love you, but this has got to stop, sleep is so precious."

She's desperate to get back to sleep because she only got a few hours last night and she's exhausted.

Harry chuckles softly and apologizes briefly before getting to his point. "I forgot what time we're leaving for our tour and I just want to wake you up on time...sorry."

Aurelia lifts her head in the direction that she knows her eyes will meet his despite the fact that hers are blank and she sighs lightly, "You're such a pain in the ass in the morning, do you know that?"

His tongue pokes out to wet his lips before he smiles brightly and leans in to kiss her, "I'm sorry. I love you."

Aurelia finds herself smiling despite how he's continuing to deprive her of the sleep that she desperately needs. "Three o'clock. I love you too, now will you please let me sleep?"

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now