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"France! How I've missed you!" Harry dramatically shouts the moment they walk out of their hotel.

Aurelia laughs because he's absolutely crazy and absolutely adorable. "Shut up! You're crazy! We had to come back because I forgot to visit the Château de Chambord. It was an honest mistake considering that I was...distracted."

Harry wears a smug smile as he asks in a knowing tone, "Distracted?"

Aurelia smiles as she remembers all of the fun that they had the last time they were here. "Yes, distracted by a very sweet man that's still in my company."

Harry kisses her cheek a little obnoxiously, "Good!"

Aurelia rolls her eyes, he's so weird. "Anyway, we're going on a tour and then, if you want, we can go out for another nice dinner and go visit the Eiffel Tower again."

Harry lightly squeezes her hand, "Sounds perfect. So, how old is this uh..."

He's fishing his brain for the name but he comes up blank and waits patiently for Aurelia to help him out.

Aurelia laughs lightly because he's already forgotten and she only mentioned it a moment ago. "The Château de Chambord. It's a castle and it's from the Renaissance, so it's pretty old."

Harry decides to say the name once himself so that he'll remember the next time. The words fall gracefully, "The Château de Chambord...sounds very interesting."

Aurelia nods and resists the urge to roll her eyes, "That's because it is. They don't tour the whole castle though. Some areas are kept off limits, but it's pretty big anyway, so that does make sense."

Harry has an idea pertaining to her bucket list in mind, but he keeps it to himself. It'll be much more spontaneous if she doesn't know just yet.

They have about an hour or so before their tour, so Harry leads her to a quaint little care for lunch because he knows that she wouldn't bother to eat otherwise. He also really likes sitting down and talking with her, he wouldn't mind at all if that's what they did every day, in fact, he'd love every second of it.

He struggles to order from the menu because he knows absolutely zero French, but eventually it works out. If Aurelia could see the menu, she could have ordered easily and explained what everything was to him, but that wasn't the case. So, Harry has himself pinned with the label of a tourist in no time. It's kind of like in that European Vacation movie, when they are ordering dinner, but it's certainly less embarrassing.

"Oh, I can't wait to see what comes out of that little kitchen! Hopefully it tastes good because your French is awful."

Harry playfully rolls his eyes and sips at his tea. "Do I at least get an A for effort?"

Aurelia smiles, her lips remaining sealed as she thinks about it. "A meaning me, or A meaning that you did a good job?"

Harry raises his eyebrows; he hadn't thought about the other option. "Oh, I can have both?"

Aurelia laughs lightly, "Well, you can have a kiss and a nice thought because you tried."

Harry sits up a bit straighter, a cheery smile on his face. "I'll take that happily!"

Aurelia leans forward, her lips slightly pushed out so that he can kiss her. It would create more hassle if she tried to get up and she isn't particularly in the mood for that. Harry leans forward and kisses her softly, letting his lips linger for a moment before he pulls away.

He really likes how it's different every time they kiss. She's so special and he's beyond grateful that he found her again and that he's gotten the chance to show her what love is and love her the way that she deserves to be loved, even if she'll take his love with her when she finally leaves this earth for a better place.

Aurelia [h.s.]Where stories live. Discover now