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Harry looks around curiously, "So, now that we've randomly traveled to Iceland, what exactly do we have planned?"

Aurelia smirks because he's given her another opportunity to fluster him. "Sex."

Harry chokes on his spit, his face instantly reddening, "Uhm..."

Aurelia laughs loudly because he seems to choke every time that she brings it up. But when he decides to get all touchy feely he acts so sure of himself, like he knows exactly what he's doing. He has two polar opposite reactions and it makes her laugh.

"Relax, I was kidding! We're going to go on a hike and find Gljúfrafoss, a pretty waterfall that's hidden off the trail, and we're going to go swimming!"

Harry's a little embarrassed that she's managed to fluster him so easily again, but her explanation sounds incredible. "That's actually really cool! I thought you were going to stop at 'hike' and I was slightly worried."

Aurelia laughs as she hears him repack the clothes that he originally picked out for her to wear today. "I could have, but that's no fun. Can I wear that nice black bathing suit?"

Harry grins because that particular bathing suit is his favorite. "I was hoping that you'd say that, it's my favorite one on you."

Aurelia blushes, she hasn't forgotten how much he stared at her the last two times that she wore it. "Thank you, I'd tell you I have a favorite of yours, but I kind of can't see you, so I guess not. Oh, before I forget, later we have to stray from the path a bit to get to the swimming spot. So, can you help me with a pair of boots instead of my athletic sneakers?"

Harry laughs because he already has a pair of boots in his hands. She mentioned the word 'hike' so he kind of just assumed that's what she'd want to wear. "Already got it covered, love."

Once they dress, they head out with their fingers entwined and their heartbeats aligned. It takes them a thirty-minute cab ride to get to the trail that they're supposed to hike, but Aurelia's still as giddy as ever as they step onto the well-worn path.

Harry pulls her along happily, following the trail and marveling at just how beautiful nature really is. He never really appreciated it until Aurelia came along and he's so glad that she's opened his eyes to how beautiful that the world really is.

Aurelia's admiring nature in a different way, the forest's sounds and smells bringing her to a whole new experience, but it's still beautiful to her just like Harry is.

"I would lead, but I can't see where I'm going and we might end up having to be airlifted out of here, which may or may not be a good thing."

"Just let me know if your feet get tired or anything. I will gladly carry you when, or if, they do."

As soon as he says this, Aurelia nearly trips on a rock. She reaches out and grabs him for a moment to balance herself. It scares her quite a bit, but knowing that he's there calms her down fairly quickly.

"If you see a bunch of rocks, will you carry me? I'm going to break my neck; I swear..."

Harry laughs brightly even though the thought of her breaking her neck terrifies him. "I'll carry you right now, if you want."

The thought has crossed her mind a few times, but she shakes her head because she's fine right now. They usually walk more than this anyway. "No, I'm okay. I'm a big girl now, Harry. I can handle the big forest pretty well, as long as you're holding my hand."

Harry gives her hand a gentle squeeze. He already knows that she's going to end up giving in eventually, so he doesn't press her to accept right away. "Alright, just let me know if you change your mind."

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