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The very day Aurelia had left him, Harry began a list about things he loved and missed about her. He would post a picture and a reason every day for an entire year to help heal his broken heart and to tell the world about what an amazing woman she had been.

He had no intentions to become internet famous or to have anyone feel sorry for him, he just needed something that would relieve the sadness that weighed down his heart. By the time he had finished his list, all 365 days, he still had hundreds of pictures and reasons and he had become an internet sensation. He still only wanted Aurelia and his heart still ached terribly, but he raised Darcy to be a wonderful young woman: she looked just like her mother and acted nearly the same.

Darcy married and left him with an empty house by the time he was 46, but she visited him often, especially when her little girl was born. She named her after her mother and Harry's heart had finally started to mend itself as he watched his granddaughter grow up.

He died at the age of 87 and he finally got to see his Aurelia again.

365 days of living without you

1. For how my heart already aches missing the very concept of you.

2. For the breath I hardly allow my lungs to breathe without you around.

3. For your smile that burns bright in my memory, like the sun shines bright in the sky, reminding me of you.

4. For every shade of blue that carries the very essence of your eyes. Although they were blind, they were beautiful and bright from the very first day I met you to the very day that you left me.

5. For your heart that was the purest of all gold and the most precious thing you held on to.

6. For our little girl who doesn't know where you've gone and misses you dearly.

7. For that hope you kept even when the darkness was creeping in from every angle.

8. For the joy you brought me when I thought my life was meaningless and dull.

9. For every single tear that you ever cried, on my shoulder or otherwise.

10. For each and every word you left me with, spoken, written, recorded, and ingrained in my memory. I will always keep that part of you with me.

11. For your beautiful mind and how it never failed to spark wonder wherever you went and to whomever you met.

12. For the love that you showed me even when you didn't love yourself the way that you deserved to.

13. For the late nights that we spent just talking about life and whatever came to mind. God, I wouldn't mind just having one more of those, even if all we did was pretend to look at the ceiling.

14. For the way you kissed me when you were sad. The rawest of emotions are felt so much deeper when the physicality of everything transfers to someone else. I miss your sad days as much as I miss your happy days and every day that was in between.

15. For the way you always seemed to know what I was doing despite the fact that you couldn't see a thing. You'd tell me to stop this and kiss my cheek tenderly if you were here right now.

16. For the way that you would hold me in your sleep, it was like you were so very afraid that I would leave even though you knew that I would never ever do that to you.

17. For your laugh and how it rang like charming bells in my ears no matter how many times I had heard it. I'd do anything to hear it again, the videos don't capture it as well as I had imagined they would.

18. For how much you loved the world and being alive even though it was so cruel to you and took away so much precious time from you.

19. For the first time we kissed that night in London. God, that was so wonderful even though I kissed you before I should have. But it was worth it because I made you so very happy with just a simple action.

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