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"I still don't understand how people can live here for so long with this terrible weather. Don't get me wrong, I like the cool temperatures, but all the time would drive me insane." Aurelia comments as she and Harry sit by the fire in the living room of his mother's house.

Harry only laughs, it really isn't that bad. Well, he doesn't think so anyway because he's grown accustomed to it after living here for his entire life. "You get used to it, that's really all there is to it, I guess. How does your wrist feel?"

Aurelia hums as he runs his fingers lightly over the raised skin. A few days ago, they had gone, per her idea, to get matching tattoos on their wrists. So, now each of them has raised and irritated skin that's indelibly marked with ink.

"Much less irritated today. It's a bit itchy though, and I do wish that I could see it."

Harry kisses the irritated skin on her wrist gently, "It looks perfect, don't worry. The Roman numerals were a good idea; they match your personality well."

Aurelia hums and closes her eyes, leaning closer into his embrace. "You're sure that you won't regret that later on? Like when you're about to get married?"

Harry thinks that it's very sweet of her to worry about his reminders of her, but he does anything that he can to make them permanent so that she won't ever leave him. He doesn't care about who sees it later because it's a reminder of her and if they don't like it, they shouldn't be with him.

"Aurelia, you ask me this every single time. Yes, I am more than one hundred percent sure that I will not regret getting this tattoo, even when I get married. Scratch that, even if I get married later on. I will take anything that I can to remind me of you, my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate. You might not want to leave your mark, but I've already got it ingrained deep in my heart."

Aurelia smiles brightly as she toys with the rings that seem to always adorn his fingers, "You're going to make so many women angry."

Harry laughs lightly at her response because he's already made so many women angry because he wanted her, "And why's that?"

Aurelia fits her fingers between his like the puzzle pieces that they are, "Because you'll still be stuck on me like I'm still around even though they're the ones that are in your life and waiting for you to cherish them like that."

Harry presses a sweet kiss to her cheek, his lips slightly cold because of the low temperature seeping through the pores of the house. "Well then, that's their loss because I'll have a beautiful little boy or a beautiful little girl who will receive all of my love and attention."

Aurelia hums once more, "Do you think it worked? I know that they said it was a slightly smaller chance because of certain...issues, but what do you think?"

Harry's eyes move across the room to Gemma, who's reading a book and humming to a song that's playing from her phone. He's seen quite a few pregnant women in his life and they all had this...happiness and an odd glow to their skin. He notices it immediately in his sister and the smile on his lips is brighter than the fire in front of them. "Yes, I think that it most definitely worked. You can't see it, but she's got that look and that extra touch of emotion."

Aurelia bites her lower lip, "You know, I never imaged that I would finish half of the things on my bucket list until I met you. I thought that I was like summer: something that people hardly value when it's around, but as soon as it's gone they notice the great change. But you've taught me that I'm like the sun: bright and beautiful even if no one really sees it for a while. You've shown me how to love and I have never known anything so beautiful as that single emotion that two people can share so significantly. I hope that I've impacted you in the way that you've impacted me, because that's the only thing I can think of that can be considered as a proper thank you for everything."

Harry rests his head on her shoulder, "Aurelia, you've impacted me so much more. I'd let you read my journal if you could, and you'd see just what I mean when I say that I adore you."

"Could you read me an entry each night? Past to present? I like the way that you write, it's very personal and descriptive. Plus, your voice is a very soothing thing to fall asleep to. That doesn't apply to mornings though."

Harry kisses her cheek, "Absolutely. Actually, I think I might use that for our little one if it does so well putting you to sleep."

Aurelia giggles, "That sounds like a very good idea, I'm sure it will work wonders. What do you think we're gonna have? A boy or a girl?"

Harry hums as he thinks about it, "I think we're going to have an adorable little girl that will grow up to look just like her mummy."

Aurelia beams at the thought, "And what if it's a boy?"

Harry answers equally as enthused, "Then he'll be an adorable little boy that will have a stunning mix of both his mother's and father's looks. He'll break a lot of hearts for sure. Her too, if it's a girl."

Aurelia only hums and messes with his fingers, which prompts him to continue speaking. "Have you heard the song 'Medicine' by The 1975?"

Aurelia shakes her head, the title sounds vaguely familiar but she can't really recall if she knows it or not. "No, would you like to sing it for me?"

Harry grins and awkwardly takes out his phone to pull up the song. Aurelia listens for his voice with the utmost admiration. She loves it when he sings, whether it be to her, with her, or even to himself. His voice is lovely and so very soothing and relaxing and she loves that it's something that he shares with her.

"I find it hard to say bye-bye, even in the state of you and I. And how can I refuse? Yeah you rid me of the blues, ever since you came into my life. Cause you're my medicine (Yeah, you're medicine). Yeah, you're my medicine (you're medicine)."

Harry takes her left hand in his, detaching their hands to hold hers up and gently slide one of his rings over her ring finger as he sings along, "I, I wanna marry you. I said I, I adore you."

Tears start to stream down her face and she nods quickly. Harry presses a loving kiss to her cheek and continues to sing her the rest of the song, "And that's all I have to say, bye-be. And you opiate this hazy head of mine."

He sings the chorus in her ear sweetly, only to end it by asking. "So, Aurelia, will you marry me?"

Aurelia laughs and bites down on her bottom lip as she smiles and as the warm tears gently roll down her cheeks, "I know you saw me nod. Yes. Yes, I will marry you. In Vegas, at city hall, in a church, anywhere in the world, at any time at all, I will be overjoyed to marry you."

Harry gently tilts her head and kisses her with all of the love that his heart can give. "I don't want you to go. I want to hold on to your love forever."

He's crying now, a different set of tears than the ones she's just shed at being asked the one question every girl has always dreamed of being. It's all starting to become too real to him, her tumor, his love, their soon-to-be-baby, and it his him deeper than he ever thought it would.

Aurelia lifts her hand to caress his cheek, his tears softly falling upon her delicate skin. "I know; believe me I do. You can hold on to my love as long as you remember and I know that you will, even without all of these reminders that you shroud yourself in. Your love is like the sky, brilliant and everlasting and I know that it won't ever run dry."

Harry slightly nods,"I just don't understand why God would send me an Angel only to take her away.You're literally all that I've ever wanted..."

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