Chapter Two
The first day of school was painfully long like I had predicted. This day should definitely seize to exist.
The teachers were explaining, with the same monotone robotic voice, about the same old school rules over and over again. NONSTOP. It's like if they were stuck on replay. It was full on mental torture. I really should go complain to the school boards about the excruciating pain they caused me. I for one nearly swallowed a handful of Aspirin, trying hopelessly to get rid of my massive headache. Which, by the way, not only did it not disappear, it got even worst.
I might sound extremely melodramatic but I swear my head was pounding so hard, I thought that the people around me were actually going to hear its hammering.
On top of all that, everyone was on their best behavior, flashing humongous fake smiles (trying desperately to make good impressions, if you ask me), in order to make new friends or new recruits in their gangs. The girls were throwing unnecessary compliments left and right, “O M G! Did you do something to your hair? It looks fabulous.”
I thought girls only say those stupid lines in crappy teenager movies.
On the other hand, the boys were abusing of the cheesiest pickup lines ever, "Did you fall from the sky? Because you look like an angel sent from heaven."
Incredibly lame and unoriginal. Who even comes up with these lines?
I’m usually not a judgemental person but I can’t help it. They asked for it.
Fact is, it doesn’t even matter because in a couple of days, they will all go back to being their “normal” selves. I’m probably over exaggerating because not every student acted that way.
At least Kent didn’t.
He's always sweet; he's neither fake nor an asshole. He looked so cute at lunch time but wow I totally blew it. If only —
"SAVANNAH!" yelled Katy, startling me in my train of thoughts.
"Jesus, why the heck are you yelling?"
"You completely spaced out on me again! That’s pretty rude ya know? Gosh. I was saying that Wesley is having a big party at his house tonight and he invited me, well us. We've got to go!" she answered excitedly.
"Uh, no we don’t. Isn't this his first day at our school? How could he possibly just throw a party?" I said completely dumbfounded.
"Are you fucking blind? He looks like a Greek God, obviously he can just throw a party," she replied, imitating my voice.
I rest my head on her car window, before adding, "I'm not going."
"And why’s that?” she asked, raising one of her eyebrows quizzically at me.
I shrug.
“That’s not a valid answer. Give me good one,” she challenged.
“It’s a school night,” I respond, stating the obvious.
She burst out of laugher. I inwardly roll my eyes at her.
“You’re joking right? It’s Friday and it’s the first day of school, we don’t have any homework.”
I kept a straight game face on, not showing any trace of defeat as I say confidently, “Whatever. I’m staying home.”
She shook her head slightly from the left to the right, as she state, “Oh, you’re going alright, even if I have to drag you there by your hair.”
And with that threat, I knew I had lost the battle for good.
Oh lord.
What is she getting me into this time?

Love Triangle
Teen FictionSavannah, also known as Sav or Anna, is a regular teenager stuck inside a complicated love triangle. How will she get out of it? Who will she choose? How does her best friend Katy react to all of this? Who's the new guy in town? How many of them are...