Chapter Three
I am going to kill her.
I am going to kill her.
I am going to kill her.
I kept on repeating those words in my head since the past few hours. It was my mantra.
By the time we passed Wesley's porch, the sky was pitching black.
My mood was much darker than the sky.
I was royally pissed.
Katy had dragged me all around Manhattan, searching for the perfect dress. After walking in and out of numerous stores, trying every dress they contained, we finally settled down with two plain dresses from h&m.
She wore a tight white party dress, not too tight though, but just enough for it to cling perfectly to her body. I got to admit, the dress blended amazingly with her summer tan, making a beautiful color contrast.
She had curled her thick blond hair and they hanged gracefully below her shoulders.
She's so beautiful.
I always wished I could look half as good as she does.
As for me, I wore a loose black dress. It's my way of blending in and going unnoticed in a crowd.
Besides you can't ever go wrong with black.
That's probably the best advice Katy had ever gave me.
I had straightened my dark brown hair.
Katy did my makeup.
It's part of our friendship agreement; she takes care of our fashion style while I take care of our grades. It's always been this way. No one could possibly imagine the opposite.
Anyways, I'm lucky she hadn't force me to wear her six inches stilettos. I can barely handle two inches heels. It's quit tragic. But I'm already 5'7, so I don't really need them anyway.
As we entered Wesley's ginormous house, my vision was blinded by enormous clouds of smoke.
I bet my mom would strongly approve of it.
The nauseating smell of sweat mixed with alcohol burned my nostrils.
Rihanna's newest song Pour It Up, was blasting so loud, I swore the whole house was shaking.
I can't believe Katy brought, I mean forced me to come with her.
"Lighten up," she yelled over the music.
I mouthed DIE to her.
She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the middle of the room.
Once I let loose and gave up the fight, we started dancing.
After few minutes of intensive dancing, my feet were aching already.
Then I saw him. He had a beer in his hand and he was nodding at something his friend said. He looked like an Adonis God. He made me drool.
Urgh, I am so lame.
Katy shifted in front of me, bringing me out of my reverie.
"I'm going to go dance with the hottest hostess ever," she yelled over the music.
I shook my head fiercely and gave her my greatest puppy dog look meaning; I beg you; don't leave me alone in this place.
She smiled at me, exposing her perfect white teeth, while glancing over her shoulder.
"Don't worry, you're in good hands."
With that she winked at me before walking away.
Fast enough Kent replaced her.
Oh no.
Thank god the music was on full blast.
If it weren't, I'm sure everyone would have heard my harsh breathing.
My throat dried up.
My pulse sped up.
My head went blank.
My knees weakened.
He cocked his head sideways, smiling bashfully at me.
I turned around, making sure that this time I wasn't dreaming. When I turned back to him, he was still smiling at me. Not at the sexy girls surrounding me, but me.
I still couldn't believe it, so I pinched myself.
Definitely not dreaming this time.
I focused my attention back towards him, giving him my own sheepish smile but I'm pretty sure I looked like a fat kid who just received a big ass piece of chocolate cake with colorful sprinkles on the top.
I was never particularly shy around people. Self-conscious? Yeah. But never this shy.
What I didn't get was that I used to be so comfortable around him. But I guess when you fall in love over your ex-bestfriend, that's what happens. I became shy. The worst part is that we almost had a thing and we shared a few intimate moments. Sadly, he always left me hanging... And then he went out with the Barbie Bitch. She didn't even deserve him. I mean besides her body; what did he see in her? I was so relieved when Katy told me they broke up after only two months of dating. Rumour is that they had sex and he wasn't satisfied. That's pretty harsh. When I heard that they had sex, my heart shred into pieces. I cried a whole weekend long; eating ice cream while watching every Nicholas Spark's movie. Just kidding. I would have done that. But Katy wouldn't let me. No way. She said crying was for the weak. I guess that makes me one of the weakest people on the planet. I knew that I have to wake up one day and toughen up. I just never knew how.
Kent brought me back to reality. He slipped his hands through mine. What? My whole body started to tingle. Oh my god. I missed his touch so much.
I can't wait to tell this to Katy.
As we entered the large kitchen, I tripped and nearly did a face plant on the hard floor. But Kent's strong arms catch me right on time. Oh Jesus. Did he workout? Because those muscles are so fine.
People around me started to laugh hysterically at my clumsiness or at me. Or worst; both.
I was so sure no one noticed me and my klutziness.
Embarrassed, I bowed my head down as I flushed crimson red.
Kent grip had tightened on me, my heart started to do crazy cartwheels, bouncing all over the place.
"You're too cute. I hope you aren't falling head over heels for a guy," he whispered into my ear.
I froze. Goosebumps formed all over my body.
What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Love Triangle
Teen FictionSavannah, also known as Sav or Anna, is a regular teenager stuck inside a complicated love triangle. How will she get out of it? Who will she choose? How does her best friend Katy react to all of this? Who's the new guy in town? How many of them are...