Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I woke with a jolt. A millisecond later, I closed my eyes shut because of the bright light blazing right at me. A hand grabbed my own and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Honey, it's me. It's mom," my mom says.

"Please come back to me," she continues to plead.

My head felt like a bowling ball but I willed my eyes open for her sake. I slowly turned towards her. She was sitting in, what I would say, an uncomfortable chair. She was still gripping my hand with all her might. She looked distraught. My heart broke in half at the sight of her. Grey bags were formed underneath her eyes as if she didn't get any sleep for days. Her hair, which was normally in an uptight bun, was pulled back with a hair band. Strands of her hair were poking out wildly from her ponytail. Her face was tear-stained. My mother was the strongest woman I ever knew and hardly anything ever fazed her. I haven't seen her like this since my dad past away.

"Savannah, please talk to me. What's wrong?" she asks, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Do you want me to call the doctor? Are you in pain? Do you know who I am? Honey, I'm your mother," she continues.

Of course I know who she is. Somehow I was unable to utter a single word. I was too stunned from all her worrying and excessive questions. I was so confused. Why the hell am I in the hospital? I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and asked the first urgent question that came to mind.

"Mom, what happened?"

She burst in tears, got up, and bent down to hug me fiercely. I hugged her back with equal force. I hate seeing her like this.

"My poor, poor baby. I'm so glad that you're okay. I was scared to death. I love you so much."

"Mom, I love you too. Please don't cry, I'm perfectly fine," I cooed.

Despite the insane throbbing of my head, I thought that I was relatively fine.

She sat back down as she sniffle her nose into an overused Kleenex. I take this time to take in my surrounding. The famous hospital. The one where my mother spends most of her time working in. She was dressed in her uniform but clearly, she was not expecting to see me.
On the contrary of my mother, I hate hospitals. They always gave me the creeps and made me think of life and its fragility. It is a place where people are either born in or die in. It's a place where the walls were whiter than white, where the rooms were sterile, and where the hallways were narrow. The room itself, that I'm lying in, was empty. The only sound was coming from my mom and from the monitor beeping on my other side.

"Why am I here?" I hesitantly asked.

"You were in an accident," she answered.

"What? That's impossible!" I exclaimed.

Seeing her face blank, I composed myself before gently asking, "What kind of accident?"

"A car accident," she whispers.

My whole body froze. No wonder she was so shattered and upset. My dad had died from a car accident a few years ago. Ever since, we could hardly bring ourselves to sit in one without going out of our minds.

"Wh-h-hat? I don't drive, you know that," I state, desperately trying to level out my voice from my shaking.

"I know honey. I don't know exactly what happened but you were with Kent," she explains soothingly.

I sat up straight on the bed. The last time I talked to him was on the field. Nothing was making any sense to me. I was so worried about Kent that I had to suppress the urge to vomit.

"Mom, please tell me he's okay," I plead.

My eyes were filling with unwanted tears.

"Yes. Yes, of course. I thought you might have known. The poor boy he was so shaken when he brought you in the hospital. When I asked him what happened, he couldn't form a coherent sentence." She shook her head sadly, remembering the memory of the encounter with my biggest crush and oldest friend.

"Thank God he's alright."

I fall back on the pillow, my shoulders releasing as a weight dropped off from them. I wouldn't cope with his death. I still wasn't even able to deal with my fathers'.

A doctor came in and greeted me before heading out with my mother. It was probably one of her colleges from the looks of their exchange. It appears that I'm free to go home in the next day or so, depending on how I feel and recover.

I had learned the next day that I had missed two full days of school. Normally I would have been freaking out about all the school work I missed but the year had just begun. I was more afraid of what people would say of me at school. If they even paid any attention to me, which I strongly doubted. I was dying to talk with Katy, but my iPhone battery had died long before I woke in the hospital. She must be wondering what the hell happened as much as I am.

My mom's "co-worker", Jeffrey, dropped us off at our house. And I was greeted by a surprise guest. Sitting on my porch was the one and only, Kent.

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