Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I felt frozen.

The teacher was handing out our test copy and I was utterly frozen.


"Savannah are you okay?" a voice asked me.

I slowly regained my senses and turned to the voice and nodded.

Kent frowned, "You'll do great. I'm sure."

Was that supposed to be condescending? Because if there's one thing I sucked at: it was math. And all the preparation, studying, and tutoring in the world wouldn't help that. I was helpless in the face of mathematics.

I wished good luck back to Kent and Mark, both sitting at either side of me. But it was somebody else's good-luck I was thinking about.

Coming out of the math test, I felt lighter than a tweety bird. I was practically floating in the hallways. Mark and Kent were sulking. We had all compared answers and most of them coincided with mine but never with each other, which I'm taking as a good sign for me. I haven't felt good after a math test in a long, long while. They were still sulking while I was considering thanking Cook but that would be a step too much.

I felt a light pull on my arm and looked up into Kent's caramel eyes. "Are you coming to the big game on Friday?"

I swallowed hard. "Definitely."

When someone asks you to attend their game. It must mean something? Right?

"Awesome," he said, smiling.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day, right through lunch and onwards.

Math test. Check. Kent asking me to the game. Check.

This day was suspiciously going well...

To top it off, we weren't running anymore in gym. The team sport for October was badminton, a sport both me and Penelope happened to surprisingly like. We were teamed with a bunch of other people against Katy and Wesley. Our team lost but we had fun, so it's a win win in my book.

I didn't have a single competitive bone in my body when it came to sports.

After the game, I asked both Katy and Penelope if they wanted to go grab some ice cream. Katy shook her head. She was on a diet, she said, and she had to drop by for measurements for a low-key fashion show that she's participating in a few weeks time. I was disappointed she wouldn't join but much happier about her walking in a show.

Considering that it was the first time we hung out outside of gym class; there wasn't an ounce of awkwardness between Penelope and I. Turns out we had the same favorite ice cream in common, although she mixes hers with cheesecake dough.

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