Chapter Fifty-Two
The next day, in Math class, I sat next to Mark who kept me a seat. Kent sat a few chairs in front of us, his back to us. He hadn't looked up when I walked in nor did he turn around. I was growing used to it. He was still mad at me and quite frankly I was somewhat upset at him. I hoped for better. I didn't think he'd hold things against me and give me the same silent treatment as Katy. It was just a low blow. Why couldn't we simply talk things out? I didn't reach out to him. He'll come around. He has to. For now, I guess we're just on a break. Not a Ross and Rachel one. But on a regular one. Where we're still together but just not talking or seeing each other. Although that sounded wrong for a relationship.
Mark seemed cheery today. He spoke briefly about his next short film before class started. And if I didn't know any better I'd say that he's being a textbook avoidant. Shove the events of yesterday under the rug so we don't have to deal with them. Come to think of it most of my friends are avoidant. Maybe I am too confrontational. Maybe I should be more like them?
Cook asked, somewhat shyly, if he could use the shower at my house. I felt like an idiot for not offering it to him previously. What kind of house hostess was I?
He hadn't showered in 3 days? Or 4? How did he always smell nice and fresh. It was probably his cologne.
I sat awkwardly in my bed as he took his shower next door to my room. It was a strange thought that someone my age was using my shower and was naked in my house.
Why do our minds think of inappropriate things at times? I had to ask Amanda, she'd know.
The drains stopped making their rattly noise and that's when I knew he was done with his shower.
"Uhhhhhhh Savannah," I heard him call through the wall.
I jumped.
"Yeahhh?" I called back uncertainly.
"Can I get a towel?"
Oh shit. I totally forgot to supply him with a towel. I cringed. I hope he doesn't think it was by purpose or from bad hospitality. Again. I grabbed our cleanest towel from the closet.
I tapped on the bathroom door and he opened it a crack, only his hand peeking out from it. I gave him the towel, he said thanks and closed the door after retreating his hand.
I went back to slouch sitting on my bed. I couldn't think about anything else besides that I need to shower. I had showered the first night he came without thinking of offering him to shower, granted he was convinced not to stay but still.
I needed a shower badly.
Cook came out, his hair wet but all his clothes on his body thankfully.
He paused at the front of my door.
"Where can I put this?" he gestured to the towel.
I got up and took it from his hand, brushing past him quickly. "I'll put it in the waste basket. I'm also going to take a shower." I announced lamely, reaching the bathroom.
"Okay," he said. "I'll just go down to the basement."
I was going to say he could stay in my room if he wanted but there's nothing in there anyway. All our textbooks were in the living room and his stuff in the basement. I removed my clothes and ushered quickly under the shower head. What if he'd go in my room anyway since no one was around? I don't think I would mind but at the same time it would be rude. Yet I had been in his room a few times and he did not interject. Except that once when Kent first kissed me.

Love Triangle
Teen FictionSavannah, also known as Sav or Anna, is a regular teenager stuck inside a complicated love triangle. How will she get out of it? Who will she choose? How does her best friend Katy react to all of this? Who's the new guy in town? How many of them are...