Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

As he releases me from his tight embrace, I open my eyes. I spot Katy a few inches behind. She was frozen in place when she saw my facial expression.

God, I've never been happier to see her.

Kent looks down on me for a couple of seconds, I ignore his intense gaze. By bending my head forward, as my hair forms thin drapes hiding my face. I couldn't help but wish he would push my hair away, tilt my head back, and make up for what he did...

With no luck, he leaves me. Kent joins one of his drunken friend. Just like that. Without an apology nor an explanation for what the hell happened, well for what almost happened...

Katy reaches me a second later and pulls me into a big hug of her own.

"I'm so so sorry Savannah. I should of never left you alone with that ass," she tells me as she rubs my back lightly.

"Yo-you saw what h-h-happened?" I stutter.

She nods.

How could he do that to me? Surrounded by people we know, surely many others have seen us. Oh my god. Now everyone will know that I like him. Fuck fuck fuck. I should of never came to this stupid party.

"Come on, let's get out of here," she tells me as she takes my hand. She brings me out to her car and we drive away from this stupid party.

On our ride back home, she tries to comfort me.

"I'm sure he has a good excuse. Kent was one of your best friends before. He wouldn't do that to you. He must have a decent reason. Trust me," she coos.

I explode and let the tears spill. I felt as if he stabbed me in the chest.

"Honestly, guys are fucking dicks. They act all hard and macho and shit but in reality they are big pussies. They have no balls whatsoever. I swear to god, the next time I see Kent, I'll chop off his little penis," she carries on.

Normally this would of made me laugh out loud, or even smile. But tonight, I couldn't. I felt as if he betrayed me. I couldn't help but just sulk and let my sadness swallow me whole.

"We're here," Katy says as she pulls onto my driveway.

I was so caught up into my feelings and thoughts that I haven't realized that I was home.

"Do you want to come to my house instead? We could have a sleepover. Dad bought that cookie dough ice cream you love. We could even have a Harry Potter marathon!" she squeaks.

Although I know she's really trying hard to cheer me up. I shake my head at the tempting offer.

"Come on Sav, I know how much you love reciting Hermione's part."

It's true. Hermione is one of my favourite female fictional character but I still didn't feel like it.

"I'm tired. Don't worry about me, I'll just go to bed," I reassure her.

"No crying? You'll just go to sleep right."

I nod.

I won't cry anymore I promised to myself. I'm not as vulnerable as she thinks I am.

"Promise me," she asks. She stretches her hand towards me, giving me her pinky finger.

"I promise," I say as I curl my pinky with hers. And giving her a weak smile.

"Okay then. Call me when you wake up in the morning."

Katy is like the sister I never had. I love her with my life. Ever since my dad died, she became my anchor. I was pretty messed up and she saved me from myself.

She hugs me once more before letting me out of her car.

When I entered my house, I was greeted with silence. My mom wasn't home yet. I sigh and take my phone out of my purse to text her. My screen didn't indicate any text from Kent, obviously. But it flashed a text from my mom sent thirty minutes ago.

* honey! I'm signed up for night shift again. Don't wait up for me! Love you xox *

Since dad passed away, mom was always working overtime to make up for the mortgage of our house. I felt really bad, because my mom didn't accept any of the money that I made during summer vacation. I insisted but she refused no matter what.

This day couldn't turn any better...

I climb the stairs to my room. As much as I am in desperate need of a shower, I decide against it. I had no strength for anything. I drop myself loudly on my bed and grab the book on my nightstand. What better way to clear my thoughts than reading?

As I escaped reality, I hadn't seen the time passing by.

I fell asleep. But this time, luckily, of a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, it was already noon.

It took me a few minutes for the events of yesterday to resurface in my head. When it did, it sting my heart nonetheless.

But now my clouded emotions took a different turn. I was angry at Kent. I was beyond furious at his action. And I felt foolish for crying over him yesterday. Clearly he isn't the same as the Kent I used to know. His new social status got to his head.

"Now he was a dumb jock who played with girls feelings," I say out loud.
Trying to convince myself of this statement.

I take my phone from my dresser. I received three messages. One of them was from Kent. Holy shit, my heart sank to my stomach.

* i really have to talk to you face-to-face, please *

"Sav, I forbid you to answer him," my subconscious sneers at me.

For once I listen to her. Usually, I can't help myself to answer him immediately. But not this time. I need to stay mad at him. He deserves it.

Plus I don't think I could ever face him. I can't risk crying in front of him. I need to keep the bit of dignity I had left.

The other two text were from Katy;

* hope you'll feel better tomorrow Sav *

* don't forget to call me ASAP when you wake! gotta tell you smth *

I quickly dial her number. She answers after the third ring.

"Oh my god Sav guess who's coming back earlier to school?" she asks excitedly.

"Who?" I answer quizzically.

"Cook! Who else dumbass? He's coming back from the UK this weekend!"

"Great," I spit full of sarcasm.

Katy has had a crush on Cook since last year. She would never ever admit it, not even to me. Not even to herself actually. I mean who doesn't have a crush on Cook? He's like Kent but even better, well look wise. I don't find Cook a tiny bit attractive though. I think it's because that shitty personality of his. He's a self-obnoxious prick and the biggest man whore of the school. I can't stand him. He literally makes me cringe. He does all he can to humiliate me and make my life a living hell. I was relieved that I didn't get to see him much this summer but now he's back. Just great. Not to mention that Kent is his right arm. I suppose Cook is the one who gave him all this bad influence. Even greater.

"Oh stop it, he's not that bad. Thank god he's back! Our classes won't be as boring anymore."

Although she can't see me, I can't help but roll my eyes at her excitement. She keeps on babbling about Cook. She said that she heard from her friend Amanda that he tattooed his name on his hand. How can someone be this conceited? It never seize to amaze me.

I interrupt her by telling her about the text that Kent sent me. She stops talking, pauses, and answers, "Mmm, I don't know if you should answer him. Maybe wait until Monday? If he really wants to talk to you he'll come see you himself. He's a jerk anyways. I'll find you someone much better than him this year. Mark my words hun."

"Huh-huh, sure," I respond.

The idea makes me laugh because I have no interests in other guys. To be honest, I rather avoid them the most I can.

The weekend went by so fast. The next thing I know, I was back to school a Monday morning. Katy and I walked down the hallway. She saw the new guy, Wesley, the one we attended his stupid party to. She walked by, thanking him for the invite. Apologizing for leaving so early. They started to flirt and I gave them their space.

As they were talking, I got distracted by a crowd further down the hall. I'm pretty sure it has to do with Kent and his little followers. I tried to get a glimpse of what was happening. I was literally on the tip of my toes. Curiosity gets the best of me. Unfortunately, there was simply too many students for me to see shit.

Brusquely something brings me down to my feet as strong hands grip my shoulders from behind me. I yelp in surprise. I close my eyes and pray that it isn't Kent. Or actually more like I prayed that it's him. Until the voice in my ear confirms otherwise.

"Missed me?"

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