Chapter Sixty-One

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Chapter Sixty-One

The Monday after prom came as a shock. I heard witness that Wesley punched Mark straight in the jaw. Luckily someone was there to interfere right away and both boys were sent to the principal's office.

I was waiting outside of it. This was getting out of hand. Was Mark being bullied because everyone thought he came onto Wesley? They were seeing each other for fucks sake.

Wesley came out first, his face unmarked and I seethed with rage, he didn't even see me as he walked by.

Then Mark came out, his face swollen but thankfully not bloody.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine," he said. His eyes were wide but there was a certain restlessness to them.

I touched his arm lightly which he didn't seem to register. "Mark I know... I know about you and Wesley."

He snapped out of it immediately. "I didn't force myself on him."

"I know," I said calmly. "Mark I saw you with him... in the janitor's closet. You guys were making out."

"Have you told anyone?"

"No one. Not a single soul. I swear. I didn't know how to bring it up to you without you being angry at me."

"I could never be angry at you. You're my only real best friend Savannah."

We hugged and I felt deeply touched.

"I love you Mark. I want to help you. How can we stop this? Can we tell some of the boys about what really happened... Can we tell the principal?"

"No," Mark said firmly. "It can't be helped. There's only three weeks left to school. It will all be over soon anyway."

"But-" I interjected. There was surely another solution.

"Let's go grab a coffee," Mark suggested, his goofy smile back. His braces were dark green brackets matching the same shade of his eyes.

"Don't you have class?" I asked. I had a spare but he didn't.

"I felt like skipping it anyway."

We went to Starbucks, sat at our usual, drank our coffees, and reminisced about the year. We hugged at the end of lunch hour and parted to our respective classes.


The next day when Cook and I came to school, I knew something was definitely off. The hallways were quiet. I kissed Cook goodbye and headed to my first period, Effective Writing. After the bell rang, the announcements sounded on the speakers. But instead of it being Jane it was the principal.

"Dear students and faculty members. It saddens me to announce the passing of one of our very own student... Mark Karalis. His cause of death was death by suicide late last night. We have been contacted by his parents and the authorities... A tribute will be played for Mark during the next period followed by a minute of silence in the gym. We hope to see everyone there. We'd like to remind everyone that there are free services offered at our school if any of you need someone to talk to. A list of hotlines and services will be sent to every student as well as a letter to your parents. That is all for the announcements for today. Please know that you are not alone. Our offices are alway open. Thank you."

The static of the speaker shut off.

I looked around. This couldn't be happening. This was Effective Writing and any minute now Mark will walk in that door and sit next to me and make a joke about literally anything. I was dreaming. Having a nightmare.

The teacher was saying something but I couldn't hear her. I left the room in a haze. I needed to find Mark. He would tell me it's not true. That he was alive. That it was just one of his pranks. He made our whole junior class believe that a lice epidemic was circulating around our school, for days everyone spoke to everyone from a distance, even the teachers until someone reported the problem to the principal.

I was walking for what seemed like forever. This was proof that this was a nightmare. Infinite walking only existed in dreams not in reality.

I looked up and I saw him. Was that Mark? The figure rushed forward and I collapsed into it.

"Mark," I released.

"I'm so sorry Savannah," the figure said. It was Cook. He was stroking my head. I couldn't even lift a limb. I think I was going to pass out but then I vomited. All over the hallway floor.

Mark was gone.

We would never celebrate our Oscars together. We won't graduate together or move to the city together as we planned. Nothing will ever be the same.

Mark is gone. Mark is gone. Mark is gone.

Mark Mark Mark.

I sobbed and I sobbed. I couldn't see anything. All I saw was Mark's face flashing in my mind endlessly. His image blurring in and out of my head. How could this have happened? Why didn't I see the signs?

I felt Cook pull me up. He was trying to calm me down. I couldn't hear. When I opened my eyes again the janitor was here cleaning my mess. The sight of him made me cry more. Mark was kissing in the janitor's closet.

"Get me out of here," I told Cook.

I didn't recall walking or being carried but somehow we made it to Cook's car. I had nothing on me but my phone. I didn't dare touch it or answer it as it rang endlessly. Cook closed it for me as he did put my seatbelt on. The last thing I remember was looking out the window. It was the sunniest day ever. Not one single cloud in sight. A clear blue sky.

It was all too much and I couldn't breathe.

My last thought was of Mark before the familiar black enveloped me.   

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